Dual technologies for the future of Europe​



Fundación FEINDEF supported by the Ministry of Defence.


IFEMA – Madrid (Spain

Date -Hour

Wednesday, 3 November, 2021 to Friday, 5 November, 2021




Spanish Defence and Internal Affairs Authorities ​ Official International Delegations of Armed Forces and Security Corps​ High Commands of Defence, Navy, Army and Air Force Staff. ​ High Commands of Guardia Civil, National Police Corps and Civil Protection Unit. ​ Ambassadors, military attachés and internal affairs counsellors with representation in Spain. ​ Official delegations from international organizations ​ Senior executives, agencies and Defence organizations ​ Sales and purchase delegates of Defence and Security companies ​ Internacional and national specialized media.​

Indra Participation

Ecosystem Partner Booth 10D05​ Hall 10


 FEINDEF will bring the global defence and security sector together with the entire Spanish defence community to innovate, partner, cooperate internationally and share knowledge, bringing together companies, organizations, universities and others as a global response to security challenges.

FEINDEF provides unprecedented levels of access into the new European defence market strengthening the implementation of initiatives in the scope of: collaborative research, capabilities development, boosting investment in the European defence supply chain and the creation of an unique European defence market.​ ​

Solutions and services presented


  • POD core + Augmented Reality (AR) Glasses: Virtual assistant with Digital twin​

  • Immersive video NH90 simulator mission displayed in glasses​

  • Onboard machine gun (VRowning)​​

  • LTR-20 Medium Range Tactical Radar (located at booth E18, hall 10)​

  • Virtual sandbox: 3D tactical map​

  • Victrix: Virtual portable shooting simulator​


  1. Defence and Space Technology​
  2. Challenges in the transformation towards a new air space​
  3. The Future Combat Air System: Opportunities and challenges for the Spanish industry.​
  4. EU Defence Innovation and opportunities for Industry.
  5. Cooperative Command & Control and AESA radar systems for future surface-based air and missile defence​
  6. International Women’s Forum. Round table 2: Fostering STEM female talent in the Defence and Security industry​
  7. Connected, sustainable and smart air base (BACSI): “The role of industry and academia”​
  8. Digital Twin, scope and key applications in the field of defence​
  9. The defence sector supply chain.​
  10. Horizon Europe and civil security for society.