15 Abril 2008España

Through these contracts along with the implementation of its maritime surveillance system in Huelva, Gran Canarias and Almería, Indra's technology will control more than 1000 km of the Spanish coast

The Ministry of the Interior through the Secretariat of State for Security chose Indra, the premier IT company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe, to deploy the System of External Surveillance (SIVE) managed by the General Directorate of the Guardia Civil, on the coast of Murcia and Ibiza for an amount of euros 7, 1 M. In addition, the company was awarded the extension of SIVE in Almería for euros 1,9M.

These contracts add up to those signed in 2004 and 2006 by Indra to deploy SIVE in Almería, Huelva and Gran Canaria providing more than 1000 kilometres of coast controlled by the company’s systems, within the framework set to provide border surveillance and specifically, to control illegal immigration and drug trafficking.

Indra will implement in Murcia and in Ibiza an integral system which includes several sensor stations equipped with radar systems, an optronic sensor and a command and control centre which integrates all the information coming from the stations. These features will facilitate decision making and coordination of further actions by authorities against illegal activities or emergency situations.

Regarding the SIVE extension on Almería’s coast, the contract includes the implementation of a surveillance sensor station also equipped with radar systems and an optronic sensor, as well as the extension of the communications network and the command and control centre.

Among the system features it is worth mentioning the interconnection of SIVE’s information systems with the Guardia Civil’s communications network.

Both SIVE deploys, in Murcia and in Ibiza, integrate the latest sensor generation, which will allow to detect far in advance boats engaged in illegal traffic, specifically human traffic, reducing response time and increasing care and rescue efficiency.

Solid experience>/strong>

Indra’s experience in the surveillance systems area is solid. The company has been awarded several contracts within this programme of reference in Spain’s border control besides important international contracts in 2007 to deploy SIVE in Hong Kong and Latvia. This field offers a great growth potential in international markets due to the increasing concern of governments to control their borders.

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to stock market capitalisation, and it is one of the three Spanish companies with more investment in R&D. In 2007, revenues reached € 2.167 M, of which a third came from the international market. The company employs more than 23.500 professionals and has clients in more than 93 countries.
