12 Marzo 2008Chile

The contract includes the maintenance of all vending and access control systems at every station of lines 4, 4A and 5 of the Santiago’s underground network for five years

Metro de Santiago awarded Indra, Spains premier IT multinational and one of Europes most important, a $3 M contract for the maintenance of its ticketing systems for the next five years.

The 24x7-availability service has been operational since January 1st, 2008 and includes maintenance of all vending and access control systems at every station of lines 4, 4A and 5 of Metro de Santiago de Chile’s network. 30 professionals of Indra are currently working on the maintenance of these systems, including associated network and software architecture.

It is worth noticing that Indra has been the strategic supplier of Metro de Santiago for around five years. The multinational, along with Metro, has developed the successful Multivía contactless card and has implemented all vending and access control systems in lines 2, 5, 2 Norte, 4 and 4A. It has also developed and implemented every point of sale (POS) systems across the Metro de Santiago network, mobile POS, as well as automated top up of contactless cards (TOTEM) among other projects.

Indra has a strong international presence in the ticketing systems segment, with references such as Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Shangai, Athens or Lisbon’s undergrounds, Mexico City’s suburban railway and Austin (Texas) and Saint Louis’ light rails in USA.

In Chile, Valparaíso’s underground network as well as several railway lines of the country, operates with Indra’s ticketing systems. The company is widely experienced in the country’s Transport and Traffic market, where in 2007 was awarded several contracts for the implementation of its traffic management, toll and tunnel control systems of Santiago’s new infrastructures, the Andes’ future motorway and finally the technological modernisation of Valparaiso harbour extension.

Indra is Spain’s first IT multinational and one of Europe and Latin America’s most important. It is the second European company in its sector according to stock market capitalisation and it is one of the three Spanish companies with more investment in I+D. In 2007, revenues exceeded € 2.167M; a third part of it came from the international market. The company employs more than 23.500 professionals and has developed projects in more than 83 countries.

