9 Mayo 2008España

Numerous personalities from the political, entrepreneurial and institutional worlds congregated at the company’s headquarters

“Indra is the result of great ambition and illusion” pointed out Javier Monzón, Indra’s Chairman

Indra celebrated its 15 anniversary on June 9th. On this occasion, His Highness Juan Carlos I visited the company's headquarters. The King was presented Indra's capabilities of development and innovation in its solutions and systems: air traffic control, health, utilities, telecommunications, finances, security and defence.

Afterwards, an institutional event took place and was attended by numerous personalities from the political and entrepreneurial world.

During his speech, Indra’s Chairman Javier Monzón defined what Indra is like today, its current position as multinational leader in Information technologies and its future development potential.

“Our history leads to a thoroughly global company:” pointed out Monzón”. “We aim at becoming the best company in its sector, preferred by clients and most valued professionals.”

The Chairman of Indra expressed his gratitude for the support of shareholders, customers and professionals of the company throughout all these years and acknowledged the King’s support from the moment he was presented the project. “Your encouragement and support have been constant from that moment on. Your Highness has been a pioneer promoter and has played a decisive role in making innovation and internalization the centre of attention in Spain.”

Attendance of numerous political and entrepreneurial personalities

The event was attended by numerous political and entrepreneurial personalities. On behalf of the government, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Miguel Ángel Moratinos, Minister of the Interior Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba; Minister of Public Works and Highways Magdalena Álvarez, Minister of Industry, Tourism and Trade Miguel Sebastián and the Minister of Science and Innovation Cristina Garmendia.

The President of the Autonomous Region of Madrid, Esperanza Aguirre and its Mayor, Alberto Ruiz Gallardón, the President of the Partido Popular, Mariano Rajoy, the Mayor of Alcobendas, a borough where Indra is based, Ignacio García Vinuesa also attended the event.

The diplomatic sector was represented by ambassadors of countries where Indra has either implemented or supplied some of its solutions: France, United Kingdom, Italy, Russia, China, India, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico among others.

The event also congregated chairmen of various companies: Ana Patricia Botín- Sanz de Sautuola from Banesto, Antonio González from Adif, Manuel Azuaya, of Aena, Antonio Brufau from Repsol, Vicente Moreno, from Accenture, Rosa García from Microsoft. Regarding entrepreneurial organisations: Gerardo Diaz Ferrán from CEOE, Claudio Boada from Círculo Empresarios, Jesús Banegas from AETIC, Ricardo Martí-Fluxá from ATECMA as well as representatives from Universities and Media.

Indra today

Today, Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America and has been member of the exclusive Ibex 35 almost from the start of its quotation after the 1999 IPO. The company is characterised by a solid business model from the start which allows anticipation in achieving its goals for 36 quarters consecutively. Revenues reached € 2.167 M in 2007 and it is one of the three Spanish companies with more investment in R&D. The company employs more than 28.000 highly qualified professionals and has clients in more than 94 countries

