• The contract with a duration period of five years, includes global support services in Spain and Latin America
  • Indra reinforces its leadership in the utilities and energy market and becomes the technological partner of the Electricity company.

Indra, the premier IT company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe, was awarded a € 70 million contract with Endesa to develop its corporate and energy management systems in Spain and Latin America. With this contract, Indra becomes Endesa’s technological partner at world level in the implementation of a new model that unifies application management.

The contract has a duration period of five years and includes functional support to more than 300 corporate management applications of the electricity company (human resources, personnel administration, economic-financial and purchase) and energy management (energy movements and liquidation in the Spanish electricity market, European markets, trading, demand forecast, portfolio information and fuel management).

The IT company will put its offices at the electricity company’s disposal in all the countries covered by the contract: Spain, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Brazil and Peru. Besides this, Indra’s Software Labs in Malaga and in Argentina will support the development of applications. The software kit will give service to more than 13.000 users; will be used by more than 23.000 employees and more than 16.000 external professionals.

This type of contract allows companies to adopt a global model for application management. The new model helps companies reduce costs through synergies, scale economy and the best practices besides improving service quality.

Indra, energy solutions in more than 30 countries

Indra is a leading company in the utilities and energy market in Spain and Latin America. The company has more than 75 clients in Latin America and is present in almost all countries including the largest companies of the sector: Petrobras, CEMIG and CPFL (Brazil); CGE (Chile); CORPELEC (Venezuela): PEMEX (Mexico), Repsol YPF (Argentina), Gas Natural-Unión Fenosa Group and AES and AEI (USA) among many others. On the other hand, Indra provides services for the main companies of the energy sector; among them we can mention Gas Natural–Unión Fenosa Group, Red Electrica, Eon España, Endesa, Cepsa and Repsol YPF.

The company’s technological solutions for utilities have been implemented in more than 130 gas, water and electricity companies worldwide. Furthermore, more than 100 million clients are managed with Indra’s systems.

Indra is currently working on the development of new technologies and solutions in the sustainability and energy effectiveness areas, not only in the generation sector but also in transmission, distribution, industrial and household and transport consumption. The company is currently engaged in several projects related to new smart infrastructures (SMARTGRID) that guarantee a sustainable, safe and economic development.

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to stock market capitalisation, and also the second Spanish company with the most investment in R&D. In 2008, revenues reached € 2.380 M, of which a third came from the international market. The company employs more than 29,000 professionals and has clients in more than 100 countries.

Endesa is Spain’s largest electricity company and the first in Latin America. It is an important electricity company in the Mediterranean Sea area. Besides this, it is extending its presence in the Spanish market of natural gas and also has a significant level of experience in the renewable energies sector
