29 Julho 2009Espanha
  • The budget of the program amounts to € 1.9 billion
  • Indra is one of the most essential European companies within the initiative
  • The company will participate in the four technological segments, key to the future ATM system, and in 99 out of 295 projects
  • The objective is to triple the European air space’s capacity, increase safety by a factor of ten and reduce by 10% pollution and flight expenses

Indra entered SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU), a unique public-private partnership founded by the European Commission and Eurocontrol, as a full partner. This joint undertaking will promote the Single European Sky ATM Research programme (SESAR) to investigate and develop technologies with the intention of enhancing air traffic management in the European Union. The total budget of the programme amounts to € 1.9 billion until 2016.

Within this initiative, Indra co-leads two of the four technological programmes key to SESAR: air traffic control and management of airport operation management. It will also play an important role in other two programmes: communications systems, navigation and air traffic surveillance as well as in the creation the future ATM intranet.

The company will participate in 99 projects out of 295 in its field, providing knowledge and experience in technology. This way, it will engage in almost all projects of technological development and continues progress in its acknowledgement as a global ATM industrial leader.

Regarding the development of the air traffic control system, Indra will upgrade the current ATM (Air Traffic Management) systems in order to incorporate the new SESAR paradigm which is mainly based on the optimisation of 4D trajectory flight management, and on the new autonomous separation standards between aircrafts. This will allow selection of the best routes, thus increasing ATM network services in general.

The technology of 4D trajectory management entails a significant change in concept as far as air traffic management is concerned since this no longer requires pre-determined routes; instead the most convenient route is chosen which will increase the effectiveness of the airlines and will minimise environmental impact.

Indra is pioneer in the development of these systems. This year it started up the world’s most advanced system of this type: the flight plan management system of the multinational Maastricht Upper Area Control Centre, where Eurocontrol manages the air space of Belgium, Netherlands, Luxemburg and Northwest of Germany.

The company is also working on the development of the 4D technology within the interoperability European Collaboration programme (iTEC) as a technology partner of AENA (Spanish aeronautic services providers) DFS, from Germany and NATS from UK). This project went one step ahead and is in line with SESAR’s requirements. The first implementations in Europe will take place next year and have awakened a growing interest in potential clients in Asia.

Within SESAR the company also co-leads the work package concerned with developing the new system of airport management. This system aims at avoiding congestion at airports. With this in mind, tools will be developed to optimise runways’ capacity, transit management at the same time it helps maintain peak performance in harsh weather conditions. On the other hand the information systems in the terminals will be improved as well as flight fields in order to enhance the passenger experiences, the transit to the airplane, airport security and environmental impact.

Regarding the other two-packages where Indra is active, the company will cooperate in the development of the communications, navigation and surveillance systems. The main objective is to reduce voice communications between air traffic controllers and pilots to favour message exchange between on-board systems and ground systems hence allowing more effective and secure communications. New technologies for highly-accurate satellite navigation and surveillance will also be implemented.

In addition to this, Indra will cooperate in the development of a global ATM intranet that will facilitate users to publish, share and access decision-making related information in a transparent and secure way, improving at the same time performance and service standards for the final user: airlines

Indra has been involved in SESAR from the definition phase (2006-2008) and hence consolidates its position as one of the most important companies in the programme. SESAR expects to start deploying the systems immediately and gradually.

Indra’s participation in this enterprising programme is in line with its strategy of developing proprietary and cutting edge solutions in order to strengthen its offer continuously. It is one of the leading companies in air traffic management worldwide, with projects in more than 70 countries and works with the main air navigation services providers.


SESAR seeks to upgrade air traffic control technologies in the European Union in order to tackle the growing demand in the sector in terms of capacity, security and sustainable growth. SESAR Joint Undertaking, created in June, 2009, consists of the European Commission, Eurocontrol and other 15 companies of the air traffic sector. This Undertaking will manage all the activities of the development phase that will conclude in 2016. Afterwards, the implementation phase will take place gradually from 2020 to 2025.



Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to stock market capitalisation, and also the second Spanish company with the most investment in R&D. In 2008, revenues reached € 2,380 M, of which a third came from the international market. The company employs more than 29,000 professionals and has clients in more than 90 countries.







