10 Agosto 2009Portugal
  •  The company’s leadership in border security stretches in the European continent

Portugal's Ministry of State and Internal Administration awarded Indra the development and the startup of the command and control surveillance system of the Portuguese coast. The euro 25.5 m contract is to be concluded in 22 months.

The project will provide Portugal with an avant-garde system that will enhance security in the coast by deploying a stations network to detect the movement of ships within its field of influence and will also startup two control centres that will collect information providing a thorough vision.

Regarding the system it is worth mentioning it will cover the whole extent of the Portuguese coast which exceeds 560 miles. It will also improve the response capacity when required and will back up rescue operations.

Indra has a strong presence in Portugal and has developed significant projects for the Portuguese government within the Security and Defence market. Among them, we should highlight the extension of the air surveillance network from Portuguese mainland to Madeira Archipelago and its integration with NATO’s command and control network or the development of the electronic identification card. In other sectors, it has developed ticketing systems for Lisbon’s Metro, a smart motorway management system for Brisa concessionaire as well as different projects for Portugal Telecom, among others.

This new contract reinforces Indra’s position in Portugal and consolidates its leadership in the development and startup of coastal surveillance systems in Europe. The company had been previously awarded a contract to surveil 310 coastal miles in Latvia and 155 miles of the Rumanian coast with this type of technology.

In Spain, it has implemented the External Surveillance System in Canary Islands, Huelva, Almeria and Ibiza and it is being started up in Murcia. The system will cover 621 miles of the Spanish coast.

Outside Europe, Indra is engaged in an enterprising project to provide Hong Kong and its more than 200 isles with its surveillance systems. This system will be integrated with the maritime traffic control system of one of the most important harbours in the world in terms of cargo activity, ship traffic and passenger flow.

Indra has been present in Portugal since 1997 and currently employs more than 400 highly-qualified professionals. The company has developed projects in the Transport and Traffic, Telecommunications and Media, Health and Public Administrations, Finance and Insurance, Energy and Utilities and Industry and Consumer markets.

Indra is the premier Information Technology Company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to stock market capitalisation, and also the second Spanish company with the most investment in R&D. In 2008, revenues reached € 2,380 M, of which a third came from the international market. The company employs more than 29,000 professionals and has clients in more than 90 countries.

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to stock market capitalisation, and also the second Spanish company with the most investment in R&D. In 2008, revenues reached € 2,380 M, of which a third came from the international market. The company employs more than 29,000 professiona

