• Electoral processes continue improving technologically with the implementation of the Colegio Administrado Electrónicamente (CAE) in Lleida, Pontevedra and Salamanca

• PDA’s will be used to transmit provisional results for the first time in elections to the European Parliament

The Ministry of Interior commissioned Indra, the premier IT company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America, the scrutiny of the European Parliament Elections to be held on June 7th.

One of the novelties in this event is the implementation of the CAE services (electronically managed Electoral College) in the Lleida, Pontevedra and Salamanca polling stations. This service allows computerisation of the tasks of the members during the election day.

CAE, above all allows an eco-friendlier process since the ballot papers can be printed only if required which significantly reduces paper consumption. It will also facilitate voters’ identification, document management, constitution data transfer and level of participation. Upon closing, the ballot papers can be counted by electronic barcode reading and the results can be transmitted electronically.

Besides this, for the first time in European Parliament elections PDA’s will be used to transmit provisional results from the electoral colleges to the reception centres-this system was successfully used in the last general elections. More than 8.200 devices will be employed and will be distributed in those municipalities that surpass 40.000 voters.

Citizens and mass media will be provided with multiple data publication channels such as SMS or a website which can be accessed via mobile devices for the scrutiny follow up in real time, among others. The project also includes e-learning training for the teams in charge of transmitting the data electronically and for CAE users.

35 million voters are expected to participate in the upcoming elections by casting their vote in one of the 60.000 ballot boxes prepared for the event. During the development of the project Indra will deploy a team of nearly 1.000 professionals for the Ministry of Interior.

Leadership in electoral processes

During the last years, Indra has reinforced its international profile by developing elections in countries such as UK, France, Norway, Slovenia, Portugal, Italy, United States, Argentina, and Angola among others, by offering all kinds of services and electoral solutions and implementing innovative Electronic vote systems. Besides this, it has thoroughly supported the recent autonomous elections in Galicia and organized and implemented the electronic vote in the Real Madrid’s 2009 Extraordinary General Meeting.

Indra has gained experience out of participating in more than 300 successful electoral processes across the world with more than 2.000 million voters, being a pioneer in the use of new technologies for instance: PDA’s, electronic vote, e-Counting, Internet vote, CAE (electronically managed electoral college) or the development of software and projects for citizen participation.

Indra’s investments in R+D+i aim at finding numerous ways for citizens to access electoral information and at the same time guaranteeing transparency in the processes. The company’s Integrated Vote Counting System (SIRE) has been tested, audited and compared in 20 countries guarantees security, quality and transparency in the process.

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to stock market capitalisation, and also the second Spanish company with the most investment in R&D. In 2008, revenues reached € 2,380 M, of which a third came from the international market. The company employs more than 29,000 professionals and has clients in more than 90 countries.

