23 Setembro 2009Haití
  • The IT company’s systems will facilitate the integration of all the commercial processes of Electricité d’Haití and will speed up detection of incidents in the network
  • The IT multinational has exported its Utilities management solutions to more than 130 companies in over 30 countries

Electricité d´Haití (EDH), the Caribbean country's electricity company awarded Indra, the premier IT company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America, the modernisation of its commercial and distribution areas for euro 2.4 M which is to be concluded in eight months. The contract includes the implementation of commercial and incident in the network management systems also developed by the IT company as well as the set up of the data processing centre that will support corporate applications.

The commercial management system will facilitate integration of all the company’s commercial processes (contracts, reading, billing and collection) which will facilitate decision making and the optimization of the customer data base of the company. On the other hand, the incident management system will speed up location of breakdowns in the network and will supply the necessary information for the proper response.

The project aims at improving operational faults and the reliability of the Haitian electric system by incorporating new technologies. This way, the quality of the service will be enhanced, access to electricity will increase and EDH will be reaffirmed, not only operationally but also financially.

This contract is within PREPSEL (Haiti Electricity Loss Reduction) managed by the International Development Association (IDA) and financed by The World Bank with a US$ 6M donation.

Exports to more than 30 countries

Indra’s utilities management systems have been implemented in more than 130 companies of electricity, water and gas in over 30 countries worldwide. The IT company’s systems manage more than 100 million clients.

These utilities systems support the management of electricity, gas, heat, water and sanitation and thoroughly cover the business cycle of the companies. Among Indra’s clients we can mention Union Fenosa (Spain), EDP (Portugal), Meralco (Philippines) UTE (Uruguay) KPLC (Kenya) Umeme (Uganda, Cadafe (Venezuela) ZSE (Slovakia) SME (Czech Republic), Zesco (Zambia), Enel (Italy) or Bahrain’s Ministry of Electricity and Water.

Indra in Central America

Central America includes Indra’s operations in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. The IT company employs more than 350 professionals in the area and owns a competitive Software Lab with a 3 level CMMI Certification that employs avant-garde production methodologies which, from Panama, meet the needs of the Central American market.

Most of Central America’s air space is controlled with Indra’s systems with contracts in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Belize. Regarding the IT area, Indra’s clients in Central America are: Assa, an insurance company, Banco General, Cable Onda, Panama’s Cable and Wireless, Union Fenosa, Edeeste, RECOPE, Estrella Azul, Panama’s Ministry of Agricultural Development, COCESNA and the Supreme Court of Justice of the Dominican Republic.

Among Indra’s latest projects in Central America, we should mention the implementation of the toll systems in the San Jose-Caldera motorway in Costa Rica, the modernisation of the systems of Panama’s Maritime Authority and the implementation of a management system for Costa Rica’s Ministry.

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to stock market capitalisation, and also the second Spanish company with the most investment in R&D. In 2008, revenues reached € 2,380 M, of which a third came from the international market. The company employs more than 29,000 professionals and has clients in more than 90 countries.
