1 Outubro 2009Alemanha
  • This country will also incorporate Indra's terminals on two frigates
  • On the other hand, Brazil acquired several satellite communications systems of the company
  • The total amount of the contracts exceed € 6 M

Indra, the premier IT company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe will equip two U-212 submarines of the German Navy with its satellite communications system which increases the current capacity of the submarines by a factor of ten. The company will also supply two F-122 German frigates with its communications systems.

Besides this, Indra will equip the Brazilian Ministry of Defence with different satellite communications systems. The total amount of the contracts with both countries exceeds € 6 m.

U-212 submarines will be provided with a system capable of transmitting voice and data at periscope depth (16-19 feet) at 128 Kb/s in military X band. This band is reserved for government satellite communications, guaranteeing higher availability and confidentiality in comparison to commercial networks.

So far, submarines communications reached 9.6 Kb/s via satellite. Indra’s system allows for voice and data transmission at greater speed, hence reducing the time to report and to receive orders, shortening time on the surface besides improving coordination with the command’s staff.

The system is an upgraded version of the systems currently onboard the Spanish S-70 submarines, the only ones within NATO capable of transmitting in X-band at 64 Kbs which makes them the best-fitted submarines to establish communications with the command centre. Indra will implement this new version in the future S-80 submarines that Navantia is developing for Spain.

The Bremen and Ausburg F-122 frigates will be equipped with Indra’s satellite communications system with a voice and data transmission capacity of 1 Mbps also in the military band.

Systems for the Brazilian flagship

On the other hand Indra has gained an important position as a satellite communications systems supplier of Brazil’s Ministry of Defence. The company will supply ground terminals to operate in the Brazilian military satellite communications network, Siscomis and will implement the systems onboard Brazil’s main aircraft carrier for the establishment of this type of communications.

The system to be implemented by the company on Sao Paulo will allow the ship to establish a voice and data link at 512 Kbps in SHF band. This solution is similar to those supplied by Indra to the country’s navy and which are currently in operation in different frigates and ships.

The systems have already proved reliable and heavy duty. For instance, they have been installed in the Ary Rongel, a ship that was destined to the Antarctic.

The systems are technologically avant-garde and meet the highest standards of naval military communications and Indra has implemented them in many ships of the Spanish and Dutch navies.

The company will also provide the Brazilian Ministry of Defence with different ground terminals; specifically tactical terminals with deployment capability and transmission capacity up to 2 Mbps; Manpack-like systems, that can be easily transported by an operator and easily deployed in a short time as well as high-capacity, portable terminals that can be deployed onboard a vehicle .

The company has collaborated with Brazil’s Ministry of Defence since 2006 in the development of Ciscomis, its military satellite communications network. It started up critical elements of the network, in either naval or ground terminals as well as the ISMAS system (Integrated X-band Stations Management System) for network management.

With this contracts, Indra reinforces its international position in satellite communications technologies since besides the above-mentioned contracts in Germany, Brazil, Netherlands and Spain, the company has also supplied solutions to France and Poland, among others.

Furthermore, In Spain, Indra is in charge of implementing most of Secomsat, the Spanish satellite communications network for the Ministry of Defence and is the only terminal supplier for the satellite network of the Military Emergency Unit (UME).

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to stock market capitalisation, and also the second Spanish company with the most investment in R&D. In 2008, revenues reached € 2,380 M, of which a third came from the international market. The company employs more than 29,000 professionals and has clients in more than 90 countries.

