7 Fevereiro 2008Espanha

Indra, the first technological partner chosen by the savings bank for the outsourcing of a critical service A unique platform from Madrid will provide both offices with services while its scalability will speed up Caja Madrid's international expansion

Caja Madrid trusted Indra, Spain's premier IT multinational and one of Europe's most important, the outsourcing of the bank's platform management and exploitation which gives service to its branches in Miami and Lisbon. The service includes network maintenance and management. The 5-year contract amounts to euros 2M. It is the first time the savings bank outsources this type of services to a technological partner.

Indra is already managing the platform of the Miami branch and will start giving service to the one in Lisbon within few months. By delegating the management of its banking system to Indra, the savings bank will be able to focus on expansion of its international business.

The contract includes services that establish security levels, system access control, attention to incidents and completion times of the processes. Indra continuously controls how the system is working so that problems can be solved and the maximum response time estimated for critical problems is 10 minutes. In the event of general failure, there is a back up centre in Barcelona and the whole system could be back into operation in 48 hours the latest.

Due to the high quality services the banking sector demands, Indra and Caja Madrid had to test the platform’s solidity and proper functioning to obtain the Aenor quality certificate. Furthermore, the platform has been audited by Banco Central de España and should pass an examination by the Central Bank of the country each office is before operations start. The platform has already passed the audit by the USA’s Federal Reserve Corporation and is being examined by the Banco de Portugal.

Indra in the Finance and Insurance market

Indra has a wide range of offers as well as important references in the financial market, which have been reaffirmed after Azertia’s integration in September, 2006, since the business volume in this market has increased twofold. The company has an integral offer of business and technology consultancy, management solutions implementation, informatics tools and outsourcing services, which allow financial entities to easily face changes in business models and the introduction to customised technology.


Indra is Spain’s first IT multinational and one of Europe and Latin America’s most important. It is the second European company in its sector according to stock market capitalisation and it is one of the three Spanish companies with more investment in I+D. In 2007, revenues will exceed € 2.165M, a third part of it coming from the international market. The company employs 23.500 professionals and has developed projects in more than 80 countries
