1 Fevereiro 2008Argentina

The company will implement two simulators for lorry drivers in the training centre that the Lorry Drivers Mutual Association and the Lorry Drivers’ Union from Argentina are creating

Indra, Spains premier IT multinational and one of Europe's most important, signed a contract for the implementation of two cargo lorries driving simulators in the training centre the Lorry Drivers Mutual Association and the Lorry Drivers' Union from The Argentinean Republic are creating. Thanks to the project, Argentina will be the first Latin American country to have a driving training centre with simulators.

The $1.85M contract includes the development, trial, implementation and start up of the simulators as well as training staff in the use of the equipment. Besides this, Indra will also provide maintenance services extended to five years after warranty period is over.

The simulators are provided with surround screens that display all sorts of routes, from urban to mountain, cross country and motorways and allow drivers to practice in different weather conditions, in the event of breakdowns and unexpected incidents which aim at accident prevention.

This project will help the Argentinean Lorry Drivers’ Union achieve their objective of bringing professionalism to cargo lorry driving as well as perfectionism to drivers by using avant-garde technological means. These measures will contribute to traffic accident prevention, one of the main problems Argentinean society is currently facing.

This first contract to provide an integral simulation centre in Latin America with equipment reaffirms Indra’s leadership at world scale in the development and implementation of simulators in both areas civil and military, in aircraft, helicopters, lorries, trains, buses, underground network, road construction machinery simulators for public works and harbour cranes. The company has already implemented driving simulators in companies such as EMT (Municipal Transport Company) from Madrid and Tenerife’s Transport Company, TITSA.

Indra is the premier Information Technology Company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked among the two first European companies in its sector according to stock market capitalisation, and it is one of the three Spanish companies with more investment in R&D. In 2007, revenues will exceed € 2.150M, of which a third comes from the international market. The company employs more than 22.000 professionals and has clients in more than 80 countries.
