24 Janeiro 2008Espanha

The IT company will render services from the railway company’s offices and from its own technology centres in Madrid, Badajoz and Ciudad Real

The contract considers the implementation of Indra’s proprietary solutions for document management or incidence control, among others

Renfe awarded Indra the application maintenance and operation of its corporate systems for euros 11.5M. The contract is within Renfes Information Systems Strategic Plan under which it plans to invest euros 127,5M until 2010 in order to renew its technology infrastructure and information systems.

Indra’s team will provide onsite support from Renfe’s offices in Madrid and virtual support from its own technology centres in Madrid, Badajoz and Ciudad Real. In addition, a round-the-clock tele-assistance service is included to give support to critical elements, such as servers supporting main business applications like ticket sale, accounting or human resources.

Furthermore, Indra will also include in the service a set of proprietary solutions customized to meet Renfe’s needs: Egeo, a document management application that provides support to all the applications and projects; ISLAS, a software for incident management that allows registration, control and follow-up of requests, as well as service control reports; and finally ESTIMA, for the assessment and estimation of workloads in service requests.

Quality guaranty

Indra will offer Renfe the methodological and instrumental support based on a set of ITIL methodologies (Information Technology Infraestructure Library) and CMMI (Capability Maturity Model Integrated), and worldwide benchmark SEI (Searching Engineering Institut) which gather the best Systems and Software Engineering practices.

The incorporation of these practices, implies an improvement in the maintenance and development processes regarding Information Technologies and Software Development, thereby increasing productivity and product quality.

The close cooperation between Indra and Renfe during the last years places the IT multinational as a reference partner for the railway company. Among its most relevant projects we could highlight the implementation of Renfe’s creditor invoicing, management and clearance system (SICOP), its electronic maintenance system (SIM) or its corporate intranet, aside from ticketing and access control systems, as well as several applications for the regional rail network management.

Indra is also cooperating in the maintenance of some of Renfe’s most important applications, such as vehicle management, fixed assets or invoice registry, as well as the Suppliers General Registry, the corporate web or the accounting research system (ABACO).

Indra is Spain’s first IT multinational and one of Europe and Latin America’s most important. It is the second European company in its sector according to stock market capitalisation and it is one of the three Spanish companies with more investment in I+D. In 2007, revenues will exceed € 2.150M, a third part of it coming from the international market. The company employs 23.500 professionals and has developed projects in more than 80 countries.

