4 Setembro 2008Espanha

The Ministry of the environment and rural and marine affairs chose Indra, the premier IT company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe to carry out the project for the creation of web services regarding geographic information of the Water Directorate for data update and process automation.

The project aims at the centralisation and optimisation of the management of the cartographic information and data through the design and integration of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) with SAP corporate ERP so that the information is available for analysis, followup and distribution.

The Water Directorate is one of the main suppliers of geographic information and environment-related issues of general interest. This is what makes this project developed by Indra so important. The integration of geographic and alphanumeric data will facilitate the management of dams and reservoirs, hydroelectric use and river boundaries besides the management of data regarding aquifers and groundwater that comes from wells and piezometers.

A unique and centralised SAP database will promote basic internal web services that support electronic administration besides meeting the needs of information producers. In addition, it will also boost access to information by citizens through the Ministry's website.

A project of great intricacy

The solution implemented by Indra will allow to uniform, integrate and process large information volumes that come from many organs that cooperate with the Ministry in the compilation and management of water information. Among them, the autonomic water confederations and agencies, the geological and Mining Institute of Spain, the governmental meteorological agency, the Center for Hydrographic Studies at the Studies and Experiment Center of Public Works or the National geographic Institute deserve special mention.

The project is divided into three well-defined stages. The first stage deals with update and functional enhancement of applications in corporate SAP and GIS environments. The second one involves the support to deployment, startup and support of new applications. The third and last stage covers the development and implementation of new corporate solutions in order to support ongoing projects.

Technically speaking, the whole project will be in line with the Ministry's corporate technological architecture, based on SAP and ESRI information systems.

Innovation and environment

This contract adds up to a preceding one last year to develop a cartography viewer for the followup and evaluation of the National Park's network, a government organ dependent on the Ministry of the Environment.

This type of projects is in line with Indra's sustainability approach, a global company that contributes to sustainable development with innovation, which in this case, is applied to solutions and services that facilitate management and improvement of environmental conditions.

This year Indra was acclaimed leader in Corporate Sustainability in its sector among the Dow Jones Global Index companies by “The Sustainability Yearbook 2008”, the most important report at world scale. The company is also part of the Dow Jones sustainability Index, DJ Sustainability World Index and DJ Sustainability Index Stoxx which are references for an increasing number of financial tools based on sustainability criteria.

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to stock market capitalisation, and it is one of the three Spanish companies with more investment in R&D. In 2007, revenues reached € 2.167 M, of which a third came from the international market. The company employs more than 24.000 professionals and has clients in more than 90 countries.

