30 Outubro 2008Espanha

The centre will undertake the maintenance of the S-70 submarines' periscopes and is expected to employ 25 professionals for a start

The company sponsors Punto de Encuentro 08, an event that analyses the relationship between a non-defence company and the Armed Forces

Indra, the premier IT company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe, is opening an excellence centre in Fuente Alamo (Murcia) in order to centralise the maintenance works that are being conducted in the area. This way, the company reaffirms its logistics support to the Armed Forces.

The centre will be specialised in the maintenance of electronic, optic and sonar systems and its staff is expected to amount to 25 professionals. Maintenance of the S-70 submarines’ periscopes is one of the projects to be undertaken.

The company has been cooperating with the Armed Forces for 30 years in the area of systems maintenance thanks to the diversity of its capacities to provide this service to complex systems of communication, avionics or electronics and development of proprietary testbeds to check the correct performance of communications systems, night vision or radar, among others.

Besides this, Indra also offers a thorough logistics support which covers the system’s lifecycle. It includes training, management of the logistics chain, generation of specialised documents, supply of information systems and technical assistance.

On the other hand, Indra is widely experienced in consultancy and outsourcing in the civil sector, covering different markets as well as the public administration. This expertise is very useful to the IT company since it can be employed to meet the growing need of the Armed Forces of commissioning projects outside strategy to non-defence companies.

Punto de encuentro 08

Indra will promote Punto de Encuentro 08’s in its third edition with the theme “Defence logistics: Military needs, civil solutions” which will focus on the analysis of special features of this type of service for the military sector.

The objective of the event is to analyse the services the Armed Forces require, find cooperation frameworks with other companies, divulgate successful experiences and to promote mutual knowledge.

In order to achieve the aforesaid goals, several workstations will be created to discuss topics of concern such as “Facilities, infrastructures and environment”, “Logistics and transport management”, “The new law of contracts with Public Administrations”, “Relationships between military command and civilian” and “Security of staff and civil means”.

Indra is Spain’s first IT multinational and one of Europe and Latin America’s most important. It is the second European company in its sector according to stock market capitalisation and it is also the sencod Spanish company with more investment in R+D. In 2007, revenues exceeded € 2.167M; a third part of it came from the international market. The company employs more than 24.000 professionals and has developed projects in more than 90 countries.
