28 Outubro 2008Marrocos

The company will implement new air traffic simulators that offer uninterrupted performance in the event of emergencies and will extend surveillance and satellite communications network

The total amount of the contracts exceeds euros 6.3M

Morocco registered a 17% growth rate in air traffic, the highest in the world in 2007

Indra, the premier IT company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe was awarded several contracts with ONDA (Organisation National de la Sécurité Aérienne), the Moroccan air navigation authority, for the improvement of the air traffic management of the country which registered a 17% growth rate, the highest in the world in 2007.

The total amount of the contracts exceeds €6.3M and consists of the implementation of two air traffic control simulators and the upgrading of another one. Besides this, three ADS-B (Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast) stations will be implemented to extend air space under surveillance as well as the stations required for data transfer through satellite communications network used for air traffic management which have also been supplied by Indra.

Both new air traffic control simulators will be implemented at Agadir airport and at Mohammed V airport in Casablanca by Indra. The upgrading will be performed on the simulator at the National Centre of Control of Air Security in Casablanca which was also developed by Indra in 2004.

These simulators can be used to train air traffic controllers. Besides this, they can exert control of air traffic performing the function of emergency centres to support the current systems which were also supplied by Indra. This way, Morocco’s air security level will increase significantly.

The main benefit of training with these simulators lies in its accurate reproduction of the working conditions of air traffic controllers so that training can be reduced and optimised.

ADS-B surveillance network and satellite communications

Indra will also extend the satellite communications network for the management of Morocco’s air traffic as well as the range of air space under surveillance. It is the second time Indra is awarded a satellite network extension. This time it consists of the implementation of three additional stations in the Moroccan Sahara at the Laayoune, Es-Semara and Dakhla airports. These VSAT stations will add up to other 11 stations, all of them implemented by Indra and will be complemented with ADS-B stations that allow a wider range of surveillance for air traffic control.

The satellite communications network guarantees communications between radar systems and ADS-B, air traffic control centres and a communication tower; and emits voice and data signals which are essential for effective air navigation.

The system was conceived for uninterrupted performance. It is virtually meshed and doubly redundant, since communications are via satellite and landline thus guaranteeing availability. Indra designed the systems based on highly reliable and modern systems that provide ONDA with a rapid pay-off investment thanks to its high scalability level and easy integration into current and future equipment.

The network consists of a central station in Casablanca and ten remote stations across the country in Al-Hoceima, El Jadida, Tan Tan, Oujda-airport, Oujda-Megraz, Ouarzazate, Marrakech, Agadir, Safi and Ifrane. A centralised management system allows monitoring and controlling all remote stations.

Broad experience in Morocco

Indra started supplying the Moroccan air navigation authority in 2002 with a contract to develop radar information processing simulator for air controller training. A year later, the company was awarded the renovation of the country’s air traffic management systems, implementing a new system to manage the traffic of Morocco’s air space from its control tower in Casablanca.

The deployment of the satellite communications network for ONDA started in 2005 and in that same year, the company was awarded another contract for its first extension.

Africa, a market with growth potential

Currently Africa represents 2% of the world air traffic and has the best prospects worldwide regarding air traffic growth.

Indra is developing projects in more than a dozen African countries in air traffic management, security, public administrations and utilities markets. The company has offices in Kenya, Morocco and Zimbabwe.

There are other significant references in the area besides the air traffic management systems for Morocco, such as the passport and visa issuing system for Angola, the modernisation of the financial and supply management of the government of Zambia or the implementation of its Open Utilities system in electric companies of Kenya, Ethiopia, Zambia and Zimbabwe and in the Water distribution company of Nairobi.

During the first half of 2008 the international market was the main contributor to Indra’s growth as expected. Specifically, in Africa, Asia, Pacific and Middle East revenues increased a 44% as compared to the same period in 2007, thanks to international expansion in traffic systems, Defence and Security and management systems for Utilities.

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to stock market capitalisation, and it is also the second Spanish company with the most investment in R&D. In 2007, revenues reached € 2.167 M, of which a third came from the international market. The company employs more than 24.000 professionals and has clients in more than 90 countries.
