17 Março 2010Turquia

Indra proves its international strong and competitive position in threat countermeasure technologies for defense.

The Ministry of Defence of Turkey awarded Indra a contract to deliver a deployable mobile laboratory for proved analytic identification of Chemical, Biological, Radiological-Nuclear (CBRN) threats. The contract, with an execution period of 18 months, amounts to nearly USD 4 M. This project reinforces Indra's relationship with Turkeys authorities as a technology supplier.

Besides the development of the system, the company will provide thorough logistic support to the laboratory, including training and definition of work protocols.

The company competed with the world's leading companies of the sector. Indra’s capacity to customise the solution to meet the needs and requirements of the Turkish Army played an essential role to win the contract. The award is an evidence of the company's international competitive position in CBRN solutions and systems. NUROL will be Indra’s most important local subcontractor to undertake some mechanical tasks of the contract.

The mobile laboratory will be integrated in a module which allows transportation by helicopter, cargo aircraft or lorry to the operation area.

The solution provides operators with a clean and safe environment where the samples can be analysed and the results transmitted. The system also incorporates a decontamination shower to prevent transfer of possible contaminating agents between external and internal areas.

The company is also engaged in the deployment of an air space surveillance network to reinforce civil air traffic in Turkey. For this reason, Indra will deploy nearly twenty latest-generation secondary radar systems.

CBRNE security in Europe

In addition to this contract, the company was awarded another project by the European Defence Agency (EDA), also in the area of CBRN security.

In this case, the company will define the future European Command and Control system to tackle CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive) threats.

Indra will undertake the development of the technical and operational requirements as well as the most adequate architecture for the future command and control system.The solution seeks to offer a global vision of all CBRNE information existing in the European Union. For this reason, it will process information coming from detection and alert devices deployed in member countries. Besides this, it will gather information from its own sources, external services or other intelligence mechanisms.

In addition, the system will be able to represent the operation scenario graphically and to provide the different corps operating in a certain area (police, firefighters and health authorities) with timely CBRNE information in order to coordinate actions if necessary.

The project, commissioned by EDA is an acknowledgement to Indra’s technological capacity and broad knowledge in CBRNE threat management systems. Among the references of the company in this area, it could be mentioned the deployment of the Radiological Alert Network in Spain, for a non-stop monitorisation of radiation levels across the national territory and the start up of a mobile unit for radiation which was employed during the dismantling of nuclear reactors at the nuclear power plant in Kozloduy (Bulgaria).

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to stock market capitalisation, and also the second Spanish company with the most investment in R&D. In 2009, revenues reached € 2,513 M, of which a third came from the international market. The company employs more than 29,000 professionals and has clients in more than 100 countries.
