2 Fevereiro 2009El Salvador
  • The IT company will verify entitlements, identification and value of properties in the departments of Chalatenango, Cuscatlán and Cabañas
  • The contract is within the second stage of the Land Registry and Cadastre modernisation project and covers an area of 1505,8 sq miles and 170,000 plots of land
  • The project brings the company closer to its goal of becoming the first IT company of the area where implementation of the necessary systems to expedite justice administration in Costa Rica has just been awarded

The temporary consortium formed by Indra (94%), the premier IT company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and MAP-LINE (6%), a Spanish company that specialises in digital cartography services, was awarded by El Salvadors National Centre of Registry to participate in the cadastre and registry modernisation project for 11,3 million euros. The project is a boost to its positioning in Central America.

The contract includes verification of entitlement rights, identification and property value in the Chalatenango, Cuscatlán and Cabañas departments. The total area of three departments is around 1505,8 sq miles and 170,000 plots of land will benefit from the initiative.

Indra will elaborate the cartographic information of the area and will digitalise its legal and cadastral records. Its objective is to offer more legal guarantees regarding ownership and transactions and to simplify the maintenance of the property and cadastral records.

Regarding the development of the project the company will employ its support technology with alphanumeric and cartographic cadastral information combined with on-site measurement systems through PDAs and GPS.

This project is within the second stage of the Land Registry and Cadastre modernisation project and is financed by the Central American Bank for Economic Integration (BCIE). The second stage covers 70% of the national territory approximately and this contract deals with 20% of this total area. New bids will be called throughout 2009 to cover the rest of the territory.

El Salvador's National Centre of Registry was born in 1995 unifying The Land Property and Mortgage Registry, The Social Registry of Real Estate, the National Geographic Institute, The National Cadaster Institute, The Registry of Commerce and The Registry of Intellectual Property in order to guarantee legal certainty in the tenure of land.

Central America: an area with strong potential

For Indra, this is another step towards becoming the first IT company in Central America, since the area, where 350 professionals are already working, is regarded as highly strategic due to its significant growth potential. As an example of this, Costa Rica's supreme Court has recently awarded the company the development of the informatics systems to expedite research procedures by The Public Ministry and The Civil Defense Office of the Victim. The project includes a re-design of the organs' management processes as well as the supply of technological support tools that facilitate interconnection with the management system of Costa Rica's judicial offices.

Among the most recent projects we should mention the modernisation and automation of the information management system of Panama's Maritime Authority (AMP) and the implementation of the organizational model and management system for Nicaragua's Supreme Court. We should also mention the consultancy services provided to optimise transport in the old quarter of Panama City-UNESCO World Heritage-, the implementation of the toll systems for San José-Caldera's motorway in Costa Rica and the design, development and implementation of the management systems to support the new Regional Electricty Market of Central America (MER). Furthermore, a large part of Central America air space is controlled with Indra's systems, with contracts in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Belize.

The company possesses a highly competitive Software Lab which employs state-of-the-art manufacture methodologies. It has a CMMI level 3 certification and its wide offer covers the needs of the Central-American market.

Indra is the premier Information Technology company in Spain and a leading IT multinational in Europe and Latin America. It is ranked as the second European company in its sector according to stock market capitalisation, and also the second Spanish company with the most investment in R&D. In 2007, revenues reached € 2,167 M, of which a third came from the international market. The company employs more than 24,000 professionals and has clients in more than 90 countries.

Map Line is a Spanish equity company, specialising in geomatic, cartographic, photogrammetric and geospatial projects, together with information systems design for its business activities.

