18 Junho 2013Espanha
  • The Executive Vice President of the technology and consultancy multinational will lead the organisation that gathers the private sector players
  • Integrating the European security market and promoting the industry's international competitiveness are the main objectives of EOS


The Board of Directors of the European Organisation for Security (EOS) has selected Indra's Executive Vice President Santiago Roura as its new Chairman.

Roura expressed before the Board of Directors his commitment to the organisation's objective of making progress in the integration of the European security market and in promoting the industry's international competitiveness.

EOS is Brussels based organisation comprised by 43 technological companies, consulting firms, research centers and security service providers in 13 European states. Indra is one of the organisation's founding members.

The new Chairman highlighted the industry's ability to generate employment and contribute to the European Union's growth and competitiveness. EOS represents more than two million professionals who work in the field of security for sectors such as transport, energy, financial services, defence and research. The organisation brings together 65% of the systems market in the continent.

In the current economic context, Roura stressed the important role of EOS as an entity that is capable of promoting dialogue between all sector agents. The executive noted that this dialogue is key for a greater integration of the security market in Europe. He also advocated promoting public-private collaborations for stimulating demand and production, and highlighted the need to boost the internationalisation of European security assets and to make the most of the competitive advantages.

In his speech, he also pointed out the need for the industry to work for and in association with national authorities in order to identify and develop security solutions with a European scope.

Roura mentioned the work carried out by EOS throughout these past six years. The executive drew attention to the organisation's efforts towards attaining nearly the entire private security sector as well as its ability to generate common positions.

Santiago Roura has a degree in Civil Engineering and an MBA from the Polytechnics University of Madrid. Roura is Executive Vice President of Indra, the technological and consulting firm, and he has extensive knowledge regarding strategic business development in European and Latin American markets.


Indra is the leading consultancy technology multinational in Spain and a leader in Europe and Latin America. Innovation is the cornerstone of its business and sustainability. The company has allocated more than €550 million to R&D&i in the last three years, making it one of the leading companies in Europe in its sector in terms of investment. With sales approaching €3,000 million, nearly 60% of its income is from the international market. The company employs 42,000 professionals and has customers in 128 countries.
