15 Julho 2013Espanha
  • From i-CSOC, the company manages security for companies, institutions and government agencies that have 24h x 7 x 365 requirements
  • The cybersecurity laboratory and its cyberdefence and cyberintelligence capabilities differentiate this centre from other similar ones
  • Some 100 professionals work in the new facility, which is equipped with the most advanced technology

Indra has created i-CSOC (CyberSecurity Operations Centre), a new centre specialised in cybersecurity operations, from which it provides protection for systems and networks for companies, organisations and institutions that require it.

Indra's centre was founded with the aim of becoming an international benchmark. It has approximately 100 experts working together in a 500-m2 facility fitted out and equipped with the most advanced technology.

i-CSOC has a cybersecurity laboratory, which differentiates it from similar centres. From there it analyses new technologies, develops solutions and simulates attacks in secure environments. It also conducts forensic analyses of attacks and malware – after the fact – to design cybersecurity solutions.

Another feature that makes i-CSOC unique is its cyberdefence area. This area is physically separate from the rest of the centre's working space, shielded and protected from radiation and subject to strict access control, and it has a security certificate. This area provides services to defence ministries of NATO countries.

This cyberdefence capability gives i-CSOC privileged knowledge of both threats and the most effective countermeasures. Indra customers therefore have a guarantee that they are working with the most highly qualified experts.

Another innovative working area of i-CSOC is cyberintelligence, which analyses information on the web to detect reputation risks and electronic fraud.

All this knowledge enables Indra to provide a cybersecurity management service (24x7x365) to companies and government bodies at the highest level, and positions i-CSOC ahead of other centres of this type. The company monitors, operates and manages the cybersecurity vulnerabilities of its customers from this centre and provides a response capability for any incident.

Lastly, i-CSOC has a communications area that disseminates information about threats and the countermeasures to be taken. It also provides training to system administrators and trains them in a live environment in which attacks are recreated.

The creation of i-CSOC allows Indra to concentrate and strengthen all the cybersecurity knowledge it has. The company can also provide the best service at the most competitive cost. Among the most immediate benefits: the need to maintain cybersecurity experts at the customer's facilities is reduced, which represents a significant saving; and the centre serves multiple customers, which helps i-CSOC detect common vulnerabilities and problems early on.

Indra is the number one multinational consultancy and technology company in Spain and a leader in Europe and Latin America. Innovation is the cornerstone of its business and sustainability. The company has allocated more than €550 million to R&D&i in the last three years, making it one of the leading companies in Europe in its sector in terms of investment. With sales of approximately €3,000 million, nearly 60% of its revenue comes from international markets. The company employs 42,000 professionals and has customers in 128 countries.

