• Indra is the second Spanish company of the six in the list, which includes the 400 best annual reports in the world based on one of the most extensive and prestigious surveys in this field
  • Being present in the ranking reflects Indra's commitment to excellence, transparency and the creation of long-term value


Indra's Annual Report has been included in the ranking of the best reports in the world that is prepared each year by Report Watch, one of the most extensive and prestigious in the world and in which the multinational consulting and technology firm has reached the top position of its sector.

Indra, in the 208th position, holds the second spot among the six Spanish companies in the “top 400”, which includes the best annual reports in the world out of approximately 2,000 publicly traded companies whose reports are analysed and assessed by the Belgian company e.com and a panel of external experts.

Indra's report has moved up one hundred positions since last year and it has earned a "B" score, an improvement from 2012 when it received a "B-".

Being present in this global ranking is the result of Indra's commitment to excellence and continuous improvement, transparency and the creation of long-term value. Starting in 2008, the multinational has published an integrated report that describes its economic, social and environmental performance in an integrated manner, to reflect its own management in which sustainability is fully integrated and forms part of the company's strategy and management.

Since its 2011 Annual Report, Indra has followed the guidelines of the pilot programme of the International Integrated Reporting Committee (IIRC). Indra is one of seven Spanish companies and one of three technology firms in the world selected to participate in this pilot programme, which has the main objective of developing an international standard or framework for integrated reports, as well as promoting its adoption by organisations in order to offer information that is more complete and understandable.

Indra's integrated report also complies with the recommendations of the GRI's (Global Reporting Initiative) version 3.1, obtaining the top score of A+, as well as with the principles of the AA1000 APS standard, which has been externally verified by KPMG. In addition, it includes a report on its performance in terms of the principles of the United Nations Global Compact.

Improvements to the 2012 Annual Report

With the aim of providing a better illustration of how Indra creates value in the short, medium and long term, a story line has been established in the 2012 report that aligns all the content based on Indra's critical success factors: top-tier customers, a differentiated offering with a strong innovative focus, talented professionals and contributing to the sustainability of its surroundings. The "performance" sections have also been illustrated using indicators that make it possible to better assess the implementation of the company's strategy.

The sustainability dashboard, which since 2010 combines all the quantitative indicators related to sustainability and allows knowing the degree of penetration and progress in the various aspects analysed in the last five years, has been further enhanced by including new indicators in response to the demands of certain standards and stakeholders. For example, information about the professionals trained in the company's Code of Ethics, managing workforce diversity, job stability, and protecting labour rights has been expanded.

New functionalities have also been added to the web version of the report, and the interactive and multimedia elements have been enhanced. Other innovations to the online report that facilitate reading and queries include an interactive content map. In addition, to help understand the creation of value and stakeholder relations, an interactive graphic has been included.

Commitment to sustainability

Indra's commitment towards the creation of value and sustainability in the long term translates into undertaking the challenges and opportunities marked by each of its stakeholders through innovation, the central axis of its activity and of its corporate responsibility. These stakeholders include shareholders, employees, customers, vendors, the environment and society.

This commitment is recognised through its inclusion in indexes such as the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, in which Indra has consolidated its presence for the eighth consecutive year. Indra is the only company in the IT and Internet Services technological sub-sector to remain in the global index since its entry in 2006, and this reinforces its actions as a value of socially responsible investment.

Indra is the number one multinational consulting and technology firm in Spain and a leader in Europe and Latin America. Innovation is the cornerstone of its business and sustainability, having allocated €550 million to R&D&i in the last three years, making it one of the leading companies in Europe in its sector in terms of investment. With sales approaching €3,000 million, nearly 60% of its income is from the international market. The company employs 42,000 professionals and has customers in 128 countries.


