21 Novembro 2013Honduras
  • The project includes implementing the technological multinational's commercial cycle and incident management systems at ENEE in order to improve service quality and customer support, along with SAP's ERP, which will enable the integrated management of its corporate areas 
  • Indra continues to grow in the Latin American energy sector and consolidate its leadership throughout the world, where 140 companies in more than 30 countries have implemented its energy and utilities solutions.


Indra has signed a contract with Empresa Nacional de Energía Eléctrica de Honduras (ENEE), one of the largest companies of its sector in Central America, to modernise its management, from a commercial as well as a corporate perspective, for the total amount of nearly US$13 million (approximately  €9.5 million). The project includes implementing the commercial cycle and incident management support systems developed by the multinational consulting and technology firm, as well as SAP's ERP, which will facilitate the integrated management of ENEE's corporate information.

Indra's commercial management system covers the entire commercial cycle of a company, from meter reading, billing and collection, to customer support, service order management and commercial indicators. It also facilitates processes such as new registrations, cancellations, contract modifications and information requests through virtual support channels, eliminating the need for customers to visit local offices. Its implementation will enable ENEE to reduce meter reading, billing and collection times, and it will also provide it with improved control and follow-up of commercial processes. In addition, the incident management system will make it possible to optimise the resources used for detecting incidents and also to reduce the time spent on locating and resolving them. Both solutions will provide significant improvements to the power company's service quality and customer support.

On the other hand, the implementation of the SAP corporate management platform will facilitate immediate information updates between all the areas within the company, providing a single, integrated vision of business indicators. The company will also ensure the technological update of its applications with a significant reduction of development and maintenance costs. 

The combination of specific Indra solutions for the energy business along with SAP's solutions for back-office systems comprises one of the main added values of the project within the framework of Indra's comprehensive offering to address the needs of any utility company. Since 2011, Indra has formed part of a small group of businesses certified with the highest SAP services category known as "Global Service Partner". With more than 2,600 SAP consultants and projects in 30 countries, the multinational consulting and technology firm has experienced strong growth in Latin America, where it has become one of SAP's key global partners.

It also has extensive experience in carrying out modernisation projects for the Central American energy sector. The company has key customers in Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama. Its solutions cover everything from implementing business management systems to supplying operations simulators for hydroelectric and combined cycle power plants, as well as operations support services.

Leadership in the Latin American energy sector

The solutions for energy and utilities developed by Indra have been implemented at more than 140 electricity, water and gas companies in over 30 countries. Currently more than 100 million customers around the world are managed using systems developed by the multinational consulting and technology firm.

The company is the leader of the utilities and energy market in Spain and Latin America, and an international technological partner for Spanish energy companies. It is present in nearly all Latin American countries, its customers include the most important companies in the industry, and more than 40 Brazilian companies are managed using Indra solutions. The company's most recent projects include implementing its management solutions for the commercial and distribution business of Peru's Electrodunas, as well as its technology for the management and operation of the thermal power stations in the generation park of Brazil's Petrobras.

It is also working on developing new technologies and solutions in the area of energy efficiency and sustainability for generation, transmission, distribution, transport, industrial and residential consumption. The company is currently working on various Smart Grid projects that ensure sustainable, safe and economic development, and it is also participating as an adviser in the National Energy Commission (Spain) to develop Smart Grids within the Smart Grids work group.

