24 Março 2014Espanha


  • It is the largest manufacturer with its own catalog of systems of radar surveillance, automation and aids to air navigation

  • In 2013, Indra gained major projects to renovate ATM systems on the continent


At FIDAE, the biggest trade event in the Defense, Aeronautics and Space sector in Latin America, Indra will present its range of solutions for air traffic management and communications, navigation and surveillance systems (CNS-ATM).

Indra, a world leader in the development of air traffic management systems, has implemented more than 3,000 facilities in over 140 countries.

Attendees at the trade fair, held at the Santiago de Chile international airport from 25 to 30 March, can learn about the company's ADS-B passive surveillance systems.

Indra will also provide information on automated air traffic management systems, a technology that has been implemented in air control centers and towers in a number of Latin American countries.

As a novelty, the multinational will display the advanced arrivals and departures management system (AMAN/DMAN) that it has integrated with its automated air traffic management system. This solution facilitates the sequencing of aircraft movements in the airport, increasing efficiency and capacity.

In the field of radio navigation, Indra will display its Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS) solution, which supports air navigation in the last phase of flight, and will provide information about the NORMAC family of radio navigation solutions (ILS, DVOR, DME and GBAS).

Visitors can also learn about Indra's multilateration system, a technology that accurately calculates the position of an aircraft in the airport apron. The system allows tracking of aircraft and all vehicles equipped with a transponder, improving availability and safety in low visibility conditions at the aerodrome.

At its stand, the company will also exhibit the well-known range of products of its German subsidiary, Indra Avitech. The eWiz@rd, AviSuite and AxL solutions are supporting integration of the aeronautical data exchange systems, AIM, OLDI and SWIM.

Innovative solutions

In 2013, Indra consolidated its presence in Chilean civil aviation. It was also awarded major contracts in the region's ATM market, and, in addition to Chile, new projects were started up in Argentina, the Bahamas, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Guatemala.

Indra is a company that competes worldwide thanks to its commitment to R&D. The multinational is one of the major companies in the SESAR program – technological pillar of the Single European Sky – and is a partner of some of the most demanding navigation service providers, such as AENA, NATS, DFS and Eurocontrol.

Indra is Spain's number 1 consulting and technology multinational and one of the main multinationals in Europe and Latin America. Innovation and sustainability are the cornerstone of its business, having assigned over €550 million to R&D&I in the last three years, a figure that places it among the top European companies in its sector in terms of investment. With approximate sales of €3,000 M, about 60% of its sales revenue is from the international market. It has 42,000 employees and customers in over 128 countries.


