3 Abril 2014EspanhaMéxicoPeru
  • Teams from Universidad de Alcalá (Spain), Instituto Politécnico Nacional (Mexico), Universidad Católica del Perú and Universidad Peruana de Ciencias will compete in the final phase of the competition in Mexico City
  • The three university students from the winning team will receive an Indra employment contract in the country of their choice once they have completed their studies
  • The objective of the competition is for students to face real challenges from the modern business world, such as the use of new technologies, virtual collaboration and multiculturalism


On April 24th and 25th, Peruvian, Spanish and Mexican students will compete in the final phase of the international university Indra Future Minds Competition, launched by the multinational consulting and technology firm with the aim of identifying the best international talent and having students have challenges from today’s business world, such as globalization and new ways of working virtually in multicultural teams.

Indra will invite students from Universidad de Alcalá (Spain), Universidad Católica del Perú, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias and Instituto Politécnico Nacional (Mexico) to the final event in Mexico City. Of the 16 teams from universities in Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Spain, the Philippines, Italy, Mexico, Panama, Peru and Portugal that participated in the virtual phase, these are the four finalists. In Mexico they will have to show that they are worthy of receiving the final award: an employment contract with the multinational in the country of their choice among those that participated in this fourth edition.

Although they will have to compete with each other in the Mexico final, these teams have reached this phase thanks to their collaboration in the virtual phase, in which they were grouped into multinational teams. Students from Universidad de Alcalá worked with others from Universidad Peruana de Ciencias to resolve the Smart Campus enigma in which they had to design an educational cloud solution. The jury valued the originally of their proposal, which was very complete and had an attractive presentation.

On the other hand, university students from Instituto Politécnico Nacional (Mexico) and Universidad Católica del Perú worked together to resolve the Earth Observation enigma. In this case, the originality of their proposal and the awareness shown in searching for solutions that would benefit the population in a positive manner also stood out.

By resolving the enigmas that were based on actual Indra projects, the students had the chance to discover new ways of interacting in the business environment and to face real challenges from today's business world, such as working with collaborative tools and in virtual environments; thus developing non-technical skills such as teamwork and doing so in a multicultural scenario. All the students of the four final teams will receive an electronic tablet as a gift.

Projects for creating smart infrastructures in the final phase

In the final phase, the classified groups will be separated into the four original teams from each university and they will compete in person, combining entertainment and Indra knowledge activities with resolving the enigmas. On this occasion, they will have to provide solutions to cases based on actual Indra projects in which the multinational has created various smart infrastructures so they are more efficient, safe and sustainable.

As in the first phase, the criteria for assessing the proposals will be based on Indra’s values: Determination, rigor, awareness and originality.

The final award for the three winners consists of being hired by Indra, once they have finished their studies, at the country subsidiary selected by each team member from those that participated in this fourth edition of the competition. This will allow the students to live an international experience from the beginning of their professional career, developing a global profile that is currently high in demand.

In this fourth edition of the Indra Future Minds Competition, the participating universities were: Universidade de Sao Paulo y la Universidade Federal de Bahía (Brazil); Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira and Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Universidad Federico Santa María (Chile); Universidad de Alcalá de Henares and Universidad de Deusto (Spain); Universidad de La Salle and Universidad de Filipinas-Diliman (Philippines); Politécnico di Bari (Italy); two teams from Escuela Superior de Cómputo of Instituto Politécnico Nacional (Mexico); Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá; Universidad Peruana de Ciencias and Universidad Católica del Perú; and Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (Portugal).

Indra is one of the leading multinational consulting and technology firms in Europe and Latin America, and it is currently expanding in other emerging economy regions. Innovation is the cornerstone of its business, which is very customer-oriented, and of sustainability. In the last 3 years, the company has invested more than €570 million in R&D&i, making it one of the top European companies in its sector in terms of investment. With nearly €3 billion in revenues, it has 42,000 employees and customers in over 138 countries.
