3 Junho 2014Espanha
  • The consulting and technology multinational has been granted “IaaS Cisco Powered Cloud Service" certification for its hybrid cloud service, Indra Flex IT, thus adding a new aspect to its CISCO CMSP (Cloud and Managed Services Program) Master Partner certification 
  • This boosts the firm's capacity to extend Indra Flex IT to new markets via infrastructure outsourcing


Indra has been granted “Cisco Powered” certification for its hybrid cloud service, Indra Flex IT, a distinction that will allow the consulting and technology multinational to provide cloud infrastructure services worldwide. Said certification comes as part of the MOU signed by Indra and Cisco in 2012 to partner on development of advanced cloud computing services and technology.

This seal of quality recognizes the investment and hard work performed by the consulting and technology multinational in the development of Indra Flex IT, based on Cisco technology. Via an independent audit, Cisco evaluated all management, operating and commercial processes involved in the Indra delivery model, as well as quality and security standards.

The certification consolidates Indra as a global Cisco "Cloud Provider", boosting its capacity to extend services to new markets with the support of Cisco.

Indra Flex IT combines all the benefits of public and private clouds, bringing the provision of infrastructure and services into line with the business demands of its clients at any given time, who pay only for what they use. The solution is based on Cisco's Data Center architecture, including the UCS line of servers, the Nexus family and other communications and security systems. It helps bring down operating and capital costs thanks to improved performance and efficiency, allowing Indra to quickly provide services based on physical and/or virtual resources.

“Cisco Powered Service” certification is part of the “Cisco Cloud and Managed Services” program, conceived to help partners such as Indra to design, develop and market cloud services and managed services, providing support via a number of commercial tools, training and other features available via the Cisco Cloud Marketplace, allowing them to cater to each of their customers' needs.

The new certification also makes for even stronger relations between the companies. Indra has been a Cisco Gold Partner in Spain for over 10 years, as well as an international CMSP (Cloud and Managed Service Program) Master Partner.

At the forefront of cloud services

Indra is at the forefront of cloud computing services and solutions thanks to Indra In Cloud, a comprehensive offer that covers the entire value chain of information technology services, from consulting (to help optimize clients’ capacities and costs) to the development of new solutions and the outsourcing of IT systems.

Indra's In Cloud proposal encompasses the entire transition to cloud computing, from production to technology consumption. It already services approximately 2,500 companies in various sectors, for which it performs more than 25 million transactions per year. The offer includes PaaS (Indra Smart Platform), a managed hybrid cloud infrastructure (Indra Flex IT), and a complete catalog of more than 40 SaaS (Software as a Service) applications which can be accessed through its own market place (iCloud Broker) and will also be integrated with third-party market places (Azure, Force.com and Google Engine).

Indra, chaired by Javier Monzón, is Spain's number 1 consulting and technology multinational and one of the main multinationals in Europe and Latin America. Innovation and sustainability are the cornerstone of its business, having assigned over €570 million to R&D&I in the last three years, a figure that places it among the top European companies in its sector in terms of investment. With approximate sales of €3,000 M, 61% of its sales revenue is from the international market. It has 42,000 employees and customers in over 138 countries.
