• The Company will equip two submarines with its electronic defense system PEGASO
  • This solution will provide a remarkable tactical advantage, allowing the submarines to analyze the electromagnetic spectrum and detect threats

Indra will equip two new submarines of the Republic of Korea Navy (ROKN) with its electronic defense system PEGASO.

These submarines are part of the third phase of the submarine acquisition program started by the ROKN in the 90’s. New submarines will be designed and developed in South Korea and will incorporate significant improvements.

This solution will allow the submarines to detect and analyze the radar signals in the mission environment and to identify the type radar and the associated threat level, becoming an essential contribution to the protection of the platform.

PEGASO is a latest generation RESM system (Radar Electronic Support Measurement) based on wideband digital reception technology. This type of signal processing guarantees a high sensitivity and detection range even in dense electromagnetic scenarios, combined with excellent reaction time and accuracy.

PEGASO technology will give the new boats of the ROKN an important operational advantage in threats identification. Same technology has already been selected by the Navies of Spain, Germany, Italy or Indonesia for their submarines.

With this project Indra closes a very important deal in Korea as technological supplier of naval solutions. At the same time Indra reinforces its commercial position in the Asia-Pacific region where the company has permanent presence with centers in China, India, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia and Australia.


Indra, chaired by Javier Monzón, is Spain's number 1 consulting and technology multinational and one of the main multinationals in Europe and Latin America. Innovation and sustainability are the cornerstone of its business, having assigned over €570 million to R&D&I in the last three years, a figure that places it among the top European companies in its sector in terms of investment. With approximate sales of €3,000 M, 61% of its sales revenue is from the international market. It has 42,000 employees and customers in over 138 countries.

