17 Junho 2014Argélia
  • Indra will deploy its intelligent traffic systems (ITS) and toll systems on 380 kilometers of the highway, as well as providing maintenance services for three years
  • This is a pioneering project in Algeria, positioning Indra as a leading service provider in the country's transport and traffic sector

L’Algerienne de Gestion des Autoroutes (AGA), the organization in charge of managing, operating, maintaining and servicing the Algerian national highway network, has awarded a consortium, led by Codiser and including Indra, a contract to build the facilities and provide the required equipment to operate a 380 kilometer stretch of the East-West Algerian Highway. The contract is worth €57mn to Indra and has a duration of 18 months.

Specifically, the contract covers a stretch that links the cities of Hammam El Bibane and Bou Kadir, via the country's capital Algiers, in the so-called "central section" of the three identified by AGA for the construction of the new 1,216 kilometer highway, running right across the country from the Tunisian border to Morocco.

Indra will be responsible for supplying and implementing technology for the control center, where operators will manage traffic on the section, as well as the toll and remote toll system for 141 lanes. The contract also includes maintenance of all systems for a three-year period.

The multinational will deploy traffic management systems and dynamic equipment to support the highway's operations. The control center will also feature intelligent traffic systems (ITS), including a video surveillance system via closed circuit television (CCTV), as well as technology to automatically detect incidents, measure traffic levels, run meteorological stations and manage variable message panels.

These systems (ITS) will support permanent monitoring of highway traffic conditions, incident control and automated alarms to provide faster and more efficient services, as well as offering real-time information to drivers regarding traffic levels, journey times, suggestions and weather data, as well as other benefits.

Intelligent technology for road safety

This is a pioneering project in Algeria, with the East-West Highway being the first in the country to feature latest generation traffic technology that meets the most stringent international safety and quality standards. The technology will help improve road safety and cut journey times, as well as driving down fuel consumption and benefitting the environment.

For Indra the contract positions the company as a benchmark operator in the country's transport and traffic sector. This gives the multinational a prime standing leading up to major projects planned by the Algerian government, such as improving urban mobility management in cities including Algiers, and plans to reduce road accidents by implementing systems and equipment designed to control motorist speed.

The IT multinational has already rolled out smart technology for road infrastructure in more than 50 countries, and is one of the world's leading operators in the development and implementation of comprehensive high-tech solutions for traffic management and control, market transport systems and toll and remote toll systems, with operations in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Panama, China, Russia, India, Brazil, Ireland, Montenegro, Morocco and many more.

Indra, chaired by Javier Monzón, is Spain's number 1 consulting and technology multinational and one of the main multinationals in Europe and Latin America. Innovation and sustainability are the cornerstone of its business, having assigned over €570 million to R&D&I in the last three years, a figure that places it among the top European companies in its sector in terms of investment. With approximate sales of €3,000 M, 61% of its sales revenue is from the international market. It has 42,000 employees and customers in over 138 countries.
