18 Setembro 2014Reino Unido
  • Transport for London (TfL) has awarded the multinational the design, implementation and maintenance of an advanced control centre that will integrate the management of the capital's 12 road tunnels
  • Indra's Horus solution will be used to centrally control the different systems, ensuring safety and operability in both the daily management and in emergency situations
  • With this important reference, Indra strengthens its international leadership in the area of cutting-edge technology for traffic and tunnel management, with projects in more than 50 countries and in cities such as Madrid, Dublin, Medellin and Manila

Indra, the leading consulting and technology firm in Spain and one of the key players in Europe and Latin America, has been awarded a contract by Transport for London (TfL) for the modernisation of the technology for the control and operation of the 12 road tunnels in London and 90 km of approach roads. The contract includes the design, installation and commissioning of a new integrated management system for the London Street Tunnels Operations Control Centre (LSTOC) and its maintenance.

This contract in one of the major world capitals reinforces Indra's position as an international leader in smart technology for traffic and tunnel management, with projects in more than 50 countries and internationally renowned cities in this area. It also marks a further step for the multinational within the United Kingdom and the beginning of the relationship with TfL, the body responsible for London's transport system, which manages the buses, underground system and light rail systems in the capital and a network of 580 km of roads and the 6000 traffic lights in the city.

The 12 London road tunnels, some more than 100 years old, are critical for the mobility and safety in the city and are currently managed with multiple independent systems that do not have all the required functionality for today’s requirements.

Indra's Horus intelligent traffic and tunnel management solution will integrate the monitoring and control of all the tunnels and their different subsystems into a single system and graphical interface. In addition, as an open, highly flexible and configurable solution, it can incorporate any new system required by the customer in the future.

With a high level of automation of operations, the solution provides the operator with real-time information, helping in decision-making and facilitating quick and accurate management of everything that happens in the tunnels. Due to the intelligent incident management system operation is simple and predictable, even in exceptional situations, as the system guides the operator through the correct response in each case.

In this way, the technology that Indra is going to implement will help ensure the safety and operability of the tunnels, in both the daily management and emergency situations. This is essential for mobility in London as an incident in one of the tunnels quickly affects the entire network.

Indra's solution can not only be used by tunnel operators, but also by the various bodies responsible for traffic and mobility in the city, maintenance teams, emergency services, police, etc. By collecting current and historical traffic data, the Horus solution will also facilitate the analysis, reporting and consolidation of information for decision making regarding mobility.

In order to increase the reliability, security and flexibility of the system, Indra will also equip a secondary control centre and all central monitoring systems shall be duplicated in two redundant data centres.

Cutting-edge technology for traffic and tunnel management

This contract reinforces Indra's position as one of the world's leading technology companies for traffic and tunnel management and urban mobility. In fact, tunnels equipped with Indra's control systems have received the highest ratings in all the EuroTAP tests carried out since 2004.

The multinational has already implemented its technology for intelligent transport infrastructures in more than 50 countries and it is one of the leading companies in terms of the development and implementation of comprehensive solutions for traffic management and control, tunnel control systems, and toll systems. Indra has a number of key customers in this field in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Brazil, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Montenegro, India and China.

Indra is also one of the world leaders in the technology applied to intelligent urban mobility projects in cities such as Madrid, Dublin, Medellín, Curitiba and Manila, among others. This technology enables cities to progress toward the smart city model and achieve more efficient and sustainable mobility. This contributes to cutting traffic jams as well as their costs, minimising carbon emissions and promoting integrated (intermodal) urban transport services.

Indra in the United Kingdom and Ireland

Indra holds an important position in the UK and Ireland market. The company is a leading technology provider to financial companies and telecommunications operators; it works with NATS, the air navigation service provider, in developing cutting-edge air traffic management systems and is implementing the maritime traffic management system at the Port of Southampton. The multinational delivered the EC225 transport and rescue helicopter simulator installed in Aberdeen, in the centre for training Eurocopter pilots and was responsible for counting the 2008 election for Mayor and London Assembly, which was the most complex in the United Kingdom. It has also implemented its intelligent traffic and toll management systems in five major motorways in Ireland and in the Dublin Port tunnel.


Indra, chaired by Javier Monzón, is one of the world's largest consultancy and technology multinationals, a leader in Europe and Latin America and is expanding in other emerging economies. Innovation is the cornerstone of its business, which is highly focussed on the customer and on sustainability. The multinational is one of the leaders in its sector in Europe in terms of investment in R&D and innovation, having invested more than €570M in the last three years. With sales approaching €3,000 million, it employs 42,000 professional and has customers in 138 countries.
