23 Outubro 2014Suécia
  • The company will showcase its new solution at the Cybersecurity and Privacy event organized by the KTH Royal Institute of Technology
  • More than 50 experts and students will connect to the simulator remotely to complete a forensic computer analysis exercise
  • This is the first solution of its kind available on the market

Indra will be attending the Cybersecurity and Privacy event (CySeP) run by the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm from October 27 to 31, showcasing its new advanced cybersecurity training simulator.

At the event the company will challenge the skills of a group of over 50 people who will each conduct their own forensic computer analysis on a system previously subjected to a cyber-attack.

The first edition of this event will be attended by some of the world's foremost experts in cybersecurity, both in academics and the private sector.

The aim of the event is to create a forum for presentations, exercises and demonstrations focusing on how technology and techniques used in the field of teaching and research can be harnessed by businesses and the general public to boost security and ensure data privacy, integrity and confidentiality.

With this in mind, Indra's expert in cybersecurity, Jorge López Hernández-Ardieta, and Professor Jose María de Fuentes from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid will be giving an introductory talk on forensic computer analysis.

They will then invite those in attendance to perform a practical exercise. More than 50 experts and students will remotely connect from Stockholm to the simulator located at the Indra Cybersecurity Operations Center (i-CSOS) in Madrid to complete an exercise in forensic computer analysis, and if possible identify the origin and perpetrator of the cyber-attack.

Each participant will have their own working space from which to perform all the analysis tasks on the hacked system, recover evidence to support their explanations and generate the corresponding forensic report. This activity is vital to identifying the vulnerabilities that had left a system open to attack and thus prevent any further security violations.

The simulator will automatically monitor the participants during the exercise, offering them advice and hints if required. Likewise, the simulator will evaluate how each participant performs, giving them a detailed rundown of their scores once the exercise is complete and identifying aspects that could be improved.

The event will thus allow the company to test the first version of the cybersecurity simulator, an R&D development into which it has invested three years of work, in front of a demanding audience. The platform represents the only system of its kind on the market.

The solution was designed to support effective training of security forces and law enforcement personnel, as well as technical staff in the public and private sectors. It provides training in tactics and techniques for prevention, defense and recovery in the event of cyber-attacks, adapted to each student and the context in which they operate. The system also supports training for civil and military personnel who are required to run ethical hacking or cyberoperations.

Experts in Cybersecurity

From its cybersecurity operations center, i-CSOC, Indra provides network and data protection services to businesses, organizations and institutions 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Services in this field include security consulting, development and/or implementation of architecture and technology; operations and management; control and auditing, as well as staff training. The main objective is to minimize the vulnerabilities of ITC systems and industrial control systems, thus safeguarding the data of companies and organizations and to ensure business or service continuity.

The technology firm covers infrastructure protection, identity assurance, data confidentiality, protecting and guaranteeing network operations and the deployment of security and risk management models. Its clients include some of the leading banks, energy and utilities firms, governmental bodies and security and defense forces.

Indra, chaired by Javier Monzón, is one of the world's largest consultancy and technology multinationals, a leader in Europe and Latin America and is expanding in other emerging economies. Innovation is the cornerstone of its business, which is highly focussed on the customer and on sustainability. The multinational is one of the leaders in its sector in Europe in terms of investment in R&D and innovation, having invested more than €570M in the last three years. With sales approaching €3,000 million, it employs 43,000 professional and has customers in 138 countries.

More information on CySeP: https://people.kth.se/~papadim/cysep/
