10 Outubro 2013Reino Unido
  • This port is one of the UK’s largest and most important ports, handling over 38 million tonnes of cargo a year 
  • Indra’s solution will improve and upgrade the current navigation system in place at the port
  • Indra has won a key contract in a country that is a global reference in the roll-out of VTS (Vessel Traffic Service) systems

Associated British Ports (ABP), the port owner and statutory harbour authority, has entrusted Indra with the installation of an advanced system for monitoring and managing maritime traffic in the Port of Southampton, one of the largest in the United Kingdom and one of the global leaders in terms of traffic. The system will enter into operation this year.

The new system will enable Southampton to handle traffic in a more effective and efficient manner. This project also allows Indra to strengthen its position in the implementation of this type of systems while obtaining a key project in a country that is a global reference in this field.

The multinational will equip the port with its iMare VTS (Vessel Traffic Service) system, which will provide port operators with an integrated maritime scenario based on standardised digital nautical charts. The system includes tools that safely organise and manage maritime traffic, while automating and improving repetitive tasks such as pricing and billing the entry of goods into the port.

Each vessel will be perfectly identified on the operator's workstation screen, with information on the exact location, load and route. It also integrates the maritime communication system in order to easily contact and send instructions to the crew.

Indra will also install four new radars for monitoring vessel movements throughout the port and in nearby waters.

The iMare system will combine the information provided by these radar systems and integrate it with the data provided by the Automatic Identification System (AIS), the Digital Selective Calling (DSC) mayday system, as well as weather and tide stations. It will also have access to the various cameras that have been installed in order to visually verify the information gathered by sensors.

Southampton is the most important port in Great Britain in terms of import/export movements for the automotive industry and cruises, and it is the second in terms of container management. It has a strategic location on the southern end of the country, just a few kilometres from the European continent.

ABP is a private entity that manages 21 ports in the United Kingdom, including the Port of Southampton. With this project, Indra has earned the trust of one of the industry's key operators.

Security at sea

Indra is a pioneer in the roll-out of maritime surveillance systems. The company leads the European Perseus project aimed at ensuring security along Mediterranean coasts. Countries such as Spain, Portugal, Latvia, Romania and Hong Kong use Indra systems to monitor vessel movements in their waters.

Indra has installed its VTS maritime traffic management systems in Cádiz, and is also installing it in Valencia, Morocco and Poland. In this last country, the Indra system manages all maritime traffic of Polish waters in the Baltic Sea, including Poland's 11 largest ports, which manage more than 80 million tonnes of cargo each year, and the mouth of the Oder River.

Indra in the United Kingdom and Ireland

Indra holds an important position in the British market and Ireland. The company is technology provider of some of the main financial an telecommunication operators of the country; It’s also working with NATS, the British air navigation service provider, in the development of the new generation air traffic management system; it was responsible for counting the votes of the 2008 London Mayor and Assembly elections, the most important and complex in the United Kingdom; and it has delivered the EC225 rescue and transport helicopter simulator installed at the Eurocopter pilot training centre in Aberdeen. Beside these projects, Indra has installed its smart traffic and toll management systems in Ireland's main motorways and in the tunnel below the Port of Dublin.

Indra is the leading consultancy technology multinational in Spain and a leader in Europe and Latin America. Innovation is the cornerstone of its business and sustainability, having allocated more than €550 million to R&D&i in the last three years, making it one of the leading companies in Europe in its sector in terms of investment. With sales approaching €3,000 million, nearly 60% of its income is from the international market. The company employs 42,000 professionals and has customers in 128 countries.

