21 Fevereiro 2013Espanha
  • The new division has gathered the company's strengths to launch an "end-to-end" proposal that combines solutions and services that can be adapted to the business models of its clients
  • One of the main objectives of this initiative is the Software as a Service (SaaS) solution offered to its clients, which exploits the multinational's knowledge in the different markets where it operates


Indra, the leading Spanish multinational consulting and technology firm and one of the main players in Europe and Latin America, has strengthened its strategy to consolidate itself as a leading service provider in the global cloud market. The company has started its "In Cloud" unit, which has defined a global proposal based on the combination of services and solutions that will go hand in hand with all clients of the multinational technology firm during their transformation towards the cloud.

The new offer gathers the company's strengths and provides Flex IT advantages - Indra's cloud on-demand delivery model -, while it incorporates the most innovating solutions in terms of mobility and business analytics, in order to be at the cutting edge of Cloud services and solutions.

One of the main objectives of the “In Cloud” solution is the development of Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions that offer a specific response to specific business needs. To this end, Indra offers its clients a vast catalogue of "end-to-end" solutions that are adapted and tailored to each sector (public administrations, public health, energy, financial services, industry, etc.), in order to increase the functionality of their IT infrastructure.

Some of the many solutions of the new cloud offered by the multinational include commercial management via mobile phones and devices, Open Government and geolocation platforms or tools that promote energy efficiency. In addition, the company has signed agreements with third parties to market its products as "market place" models. Therefore, over 35 solutions are included in the SaaS portfolio with the purpose of adding new products with an incremental approach.

The "In Cloud" unit will be supported by a team of experts, composed of professionals from different vertical and horizontal markets in which the company operates, as well as Product Managers that have been specially appointed to market the SaaS solutions of the new portfolio. Likewise, Indra has a vast network of alliances, composed of the most relevant providers of the cloud sector. In addition, it has recently implemented a state-of-the-art data centre in San Fernando de Henares (Madrid), which provides the base infrastructure for the delivery of cloud services to its clients throughout the world with the new Flex-IT delivery model.

Indra has focused on the cloud as a platform for the growth and evolution of the markets where it operates, including the resources and solutions required to face its global marketing process.

At the cutting edge of Cloud services

Indra is at the cutting edge of Cloud Computing services and solutions thanks to its comprehensive offer, called Indra In-Cloud, which encompasses the entire value chain of Information Technology services: from consultancy (helping customers optimise their capacities and minimise their costs) to the development of new solutions, not forgetting the outsourcing of IT services.

In mid-2011, Indra announced the development of a proprietary Cloud Computing model called Flex-IT that would provide on-demand services to customers. Flex-IT is based on the premise that managing Information Technology requires a combination of traditional and virtual models supported on private and/or public clouds, maintaining a unique vision with a hybrid management approach. This delivery model, which is more evolved than the traditional one, represents a significant change in the way that outsourcing services are offered since it provides access in record time from any location and only paying for what is used.

Although Indra has been providing SaaS services to its clients since 2005 using flexible pricing models, the new Flex-IT model represents a drastic change in how the technological resources needed by clients are made available to them. Flex-IT will enable infrastructures to be managed better and more efficiently, resulting in improved competitiveness and prices for end clients.

Indra is the leading Spanish multinational consulting and technology firm and one of the main players in Europe and Latin America. Innovation is the cornerstone of its business and sustainability, having allocated more than €550M to R+D+i in the last three years, making it one of the leading companies in Europe in its sector in terms of investment. Indra’s turnover is around €3,000 million, and almost 60% of its revenue comes from international markets. The company employs 42,000 professionals and has customers in 128 countries.

