• The multinational consulting and technology firm is the only company in the IT and Internet Services technological sub-sector to remain in the global index since its entry in 2006
  • Indra's continued presence in the ranking represents recognition of its commitment to transparency, ethics, the creation of value and its policy of innovation, sustainable development and corporate governance

Indra, the top multinational consulting and technology firm in Spain and one of the leaders in Europe and Latin America, has renewed its presence in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) and the Europe DJSI for the eighth consecutive year. Indra is the only company in the IT and Internet Services technological sub-sector to remain in the global index since its entry in 2006.

Indra's continued presence in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index as one of the leading companies in the world and in Europe represents recognition of its policy in the area of transparency, ethics, innovation, sustainable development and corporate governance. It also reinforces its actions as a value of socially responsible investments.

The Dow Jones Sustainability World Index is an index that has strong fluctuations, with 39 new additions and 47 withdrawals out of the 333 companies that comprise the index this year, compared to the businesses selected in 2012. As a result, Indra's presence is proof of the company's commitment towards the creation of value and sustainability in the long term.

In this 2013/2014 edition, Indra has maintained its positive overall assessment in economic, social and environmental aspects thanks to the actions carried out, and it has increased its score in areas such as the management of innovation, technological security and the Code of Ethics.

The DJSI World Index selects the 333 most socially responsible businesses out of the 2,500 largest companies in the world listed in the Dow Jones World Index. Likewise, the DJSI Europe selects the 177 leading European companies in the area of sustainability.

The family of indexes that comprise the Dow Jones Sustainability Index has been prepared since 1999 using information requested beforehand from leading market capitalisation firms, representing a reference index for business and financial sectors. The information and data required to estimate whether a company may join the DJSI are obtained by analysing an extensive questionnaire and the public information of those businesses. The companies that form part of the DJSI are publicly recognised as leaders in social and environmental aspects, and they also have strong economic activities.

Sustainable development through innovation

Indra's commitment towards the creation of value and sustainability in the long term translates into undertaking the challenges and opportunities marked by each of its stakeholders through innovation, the central axis of its activity and of its corporate responsibility. These stakeholders include shareholders, employees, customers, vendors, the environment and society. The company has spent more than €550 million on innovation in the last three years.

Indra also contributes to the sustainable development of society by applying innovation to solutions and services that help improve quality of life in areas such as healthcare and transport, facilitate the management and improvement of environmental conditions, and promote accessibility to new technologies.

In its clear commitment to transparency, since 2008 the multinational has published a report that describes its performance in economic, social and environmental aspects in an integrated manner. Since its 2011 Annual Report, Indra has followed the guidelines of the pilot programme of the International Integrated Reporting Committee (IIRC). Indra is one of five Spanish companies and one of three technological businesses in the world selected to participate in this pilot programme, which has the main objective of developing an international standard or framework for integrated reports, as well as promoting its adoption by organisations in order to offer information that is more complete and understandable.

Indra is one of the world's largest consultancy and technology multinationals, a leader in Europe and Latin America and is expanding in other emerging economies. Innovation is the cornerstone of its business, which is highly focussed on the customer and on sustainability. The multinational is one of the leaders in its sector in Europe in terms of investment in R&D and innovation, having invested more than €550M in the last three years. With sales approaching €3,000 million, it employs 42,000 professional and has customers in 128 countries.
