
14 things I would like for Christmas

PorÁngel Bonet- 07 / 01 / 2014

At the beginning of the year we have the curious feeling of starting from “0″, of resetting and starting all over again. This year I have decided to write a letter to Santa Claus, which I hope he will receive and read and, at least, grant me some wishes.

The letter reads as follows:

“Dear Santa Claus, I guess you will be surprised that someone over the age of 40 is sending you a letter, as you only receive letters from (increasingly young) children. I'll explain why I'm doing so. People around here are losing hope, and the world is becoming more and more materialistic and cold. People are becoming selfish and do not think about their fellow men or the impact of their acts on others.

I haven't behaved particularly well in 2013, pretty much like the environment around us, but 2014 will be different, and that's why I would like to ask you for:

1- A good smack, for the bad things I've done.

2- Peace. Around here wars are raging, we don't seem to understand that happiness can only be achieved with Peace.

3- Equality. There are more and more rich people and more poverty, what a disaster!

4- Jobs for all people, especially for youth.

5- Good health.

6- That our ruling classes work for the citizen, without stealing!

7- Believe that dreams can come true.

8- Peaceful coexistence. That Catalans and Spaniards learn to live together, looking ahead to the future, not to the past, whatever formula they choose.

9- Money. That no one starves or experiences financial hardship.

10- Wisdom. That we read, study and develop further. This will make us free.

11- Freedom to make our own decisions without being coerced by nothing or nobody.

12- Creativity, to be able to imagine a better world.

13- Courage, to be able to change the world.

14- Love. Anything is possible with love, it's the most powerful weapon.

I'm asking for quite a few things, but I know you are capable of anything and we need you to help us, because there are many people around here who are willing to make things worse. Thank God there are many people like me, eager to improve and help, and even if they don't send you a letter, they have the same wishes and the same willingness to believe. I still believe in the goodness and intelligence of people, but the environment is not helping, and this is where you come into the picture!

Thank you very much and I hope you enjoy the food we've left for you and the reindeers”

When we send a letter like this we realize how far we are from living in a “normal” world, and everything that still remains to be done. But apart from the help of Santa Claus, much depends on us, on our acts and words.

So I encourage you all to seek Peace, equality with our fellow human beings, to fight to create more jobs and businesses, to look after yourselves (sport is life), not to allow unethical acts in companies and politics (condemn it!), to believe in your possibilities (dare!), to live together in peace and harmony, to invest all our money in helping those who have nothing (greed kills), to study harder, to imagine a new future and take action, and above all LOVE, anything is possible with love.

Best wishes for 2014 and I hope it turns out to be better than 2013!