
The thrill of success

PorÁngel Bonet- 22 / 04 / 2014

On April 11 we held our annual Indra Business Consulting convention, with this year's theme being "the thrill of success". The truth is, there is nothing more thrilling for a consultant, or indeed any human being, than success! Maslow described it brilliantly in his theory of self-actualization. Maslow devised a visual aid to explain his theory, which he called the "hierarchy of needs", consisting of a pyramid of human physiological and psychological needs. By climbing the pyramid, step by step, one can achieve self-realization. To get there you have to rise through a series of "layers", starting with physiological needs, safety needs, belongingness and love needs, esteem needs, intellectual achievement, aesthetic needs and finally self-actualization!

There is no doubt that for a consultant intellectual achievement is the key victory. A well-executed project, helping a company to improve, with stronger plans for the future and better results; that is the essence of success in our profession.

The event was held at a magical venue in Madrid, the Royal Tapestry Factory. Steeped in 300 years of history, the Royal Tapestry Factory is a living remnant of our past, representing our heritage and historical legacy. Even in the 21st Century, this institution keeps alive and still teaches century-old artisan crafts, and yet it also embraces modern technology and harbors a profound respect for our surroundings, thus conserving and restoring tapestries and carpets that form part of our artistic heritage. The institution is housed in a 19th Century building in the heart of Madrid, declared a Place of Cultural Interest. It is regularly included in cultural tours of the city. The Royal Tapestry Factory is home to a unique museum where visitors can watch artisans weaving in their workshop, a skill that combines art and design, traditional and technology, and creates a visual link between the past, present and future. The Royal Tapestry Factory is now a symbol of passion and affection for an ancient profession. It means caring for every tiny detail. It is art and design as a profession. The Factory is now run by a foundation that creates tapestries on demand. It is also where Goya made his name at the Spanish royal court at the age of just 30, painting designs for tapestries destined for the royal household.

The convention culminated with a "unique" performance from El Psico Ballet Maite León. El Psico Ballet is a contemporary dance company made up of dancers with and without disabilities, thus merging the world of the disabled and the world of performing arts. Founded in 1986 by Maite León, a dance teacher, choreographer and mother to a daughter with intellectual disabilities, the company stages a harmonious fusion of body diversity and nuances. It is a company that capitalizes on the singularity of each individual as a form of aesthetic expression. The company has attracted great acclaim on national and international tours. Certainly, watching the artists perform and overcome so many of the difficulties thrust upon them makes one reflect on what true problems are, and above all how challenges may be overcome, as insurmountable as they may seem.

As a final thought, no success can be thrilling unless it is genuine, meaning that it is born from the heart, that it has soul, that it hurts no-one in its achievement and brings only benefit, and above all that is comes with humility. True successes go uncelebrated and unrewarded. They simply make individuals and companies better, with nobody losing out as a result! This is the essence of the Indra Business Consulting team!