Objectives of National Cyber Security Strategies
Following the summer break, we are back with a new post in the series on National Cyber Security Strategies, focusing this time on their objectives.
The cyber security objectives set by countries, as defined in their NCSS (National Cyber Security Strategies), all adopt a very similar pattern and can broadly be grouped as follows:
- To guarantee citizens' operations in cyberspace
- To protect government ICT infrastructures
- To protect the ICT aspect of critical infrastructures
- To improve cyber security professionals' skills and citizen sensitization and awareness
- To encourage public-private partnerships
- To boost international cooperation
In short, the goal is to guarantee the security of citizens' online operations by protecting key infrastructures involved in the provision of these services.
In the case of the Spanish National Cyber Security Strategy, the overall goal is the secure use of ICT infrastructures. Prevention, defense and the response to cyber attacks. The specific objectives are as follows:
- To guarantee a level of cyber security for government ICTs
- To promote security and resilience in the business sector and among IC operators
- To reinforce prevention, detection, reaction, analysis, recovery, response and research skills to cope with terrorism and cyber delinquency
- To sensitize citizens and the public and private sectors to the risks derived from cyber space.
- To obtain and maintain technological knowledge, experience and skills in Spain in order to support the cyber security objectives
- To play a role in improving cyber security in the international arena
As we can see, all very much in line with the other NCSS we've published. From the point of view of an internationally focused company like Indra, the private sector can play a very powerful role in helping to fulfill these objectives, especially as regards the provision of cyber security services, training, skills, sensitization and international collaboration.
Our next post will focus on the lines of action defined to achieve all of these objectives.