26 Julho 2016Polônia
  • The signing has taken place in Warsaw in presence of authorities from the three countries
  • These contracts are a first step for PANSA and Oro Navigacija SE to join the ITEC Alliance, which already encompasses DFS (Germany), ENAIRE (Spain), NATS (U.K.), LVNL (The Netherlands) and Avinor (Norway).
  • In the next five years, the most important Air Traffic Control Centers of Europe will deploy iTEC systems.
Pansa and Oro Navigacija, Air navigation service providers from Poland and Lithuania, will manage their airspace with new generation itec System

Air navigation service providers PANSA (Poland) and Oro Navigacija SE (Lithuania) have signed this Tuesday 26 of July contracts with Indra for the deployment of  iTEC last-generation air traffic management systems.

Ms. Magdalena Jaworska, president of PANSA and Mr. Algimantas Raščius, General Director of Oro Navigacija SE, signed the respective contracts with the Director General of Indra Mr. Rafael Gallego.

The ceremony took place in Warsaw with the presence of honourable guests of the Polish Ministry of Infrastructure and Construction, and with the presence of the Spanish Ambassador in Poland Mr Agustín Núñez.

The iTEC systems incorporate the most advanced technologies based on 4D trajectory (3 Dimensions + time), that permit the introduction of the latest advances in safety for very advanced Air Conflict Managementsaid Mr. Gallego.

It will also allow to manage airspace in a very flexible and dynamic way, being able to respond to changes in traffic demand, weather conditions or adapting to reserved military airspace – said Mr. Raščius.

The contracts are the result of a common procurement procedure, and are key for the deployment of a common system across the Baltic FAB.

With the modernization of this Air Traffic Automation infrastructure, Oro Navigacija and PANSA will be prepared to meet future European standards and regulations relating to air traffic systems and fulfilling the Single European Sky requirements -  added Ms. Jaworska.

According to the SES goals, the iTEC systems allow to define more efficient routes (performance-driven), with the corresponding fuel economy and environmental efficiency.

In the next five years, some of the most important Air Traffic Control Centres of Europe will deploy iTEC systems.
