29 Julho 2016Espanha

Revenues and Order Intake accelerated their growth in local currency in 2T16, with increases of +3% (reaching €704m) and +11%, respectively

  • EBITDA reached €100m in 1H16 vs €20m in 1H15
  • Recurrent EBIT Margin continued improving and reached 5.9% in 2Q16, vs -4.0%. 1H16 recurrent EBIT margin reached 5.3% compared to -1.8% in 1H15.
  • EBIT totaled €70m compared to Recurrent EBIT of €-25m in 1H15.
  • 2Q16 Free Cash Flow was +€2m, encouraged by the improvement of operating activity vs €-85m in 2Q15. 1H16 FCF amounted to €48m vs €-164m in 1H15.
  • Net Debt down by 6% vs December 2015 to €659m, levels similar to 1Q16
  • The Company keeps the same expectations of sales, margins and FCF for FY16 as indicated formerly, facing a second half of the year where the same challenging dynamics remains (macro, business, sector competitiveness), which could cause delays in certain projects