20 Abril 2018Nicarágua
  • The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) recognises the global leadership of the Nicaraguan Institute of Civil Aeronautics (INAC): it complies with 94.09% of the international safety standards and is at the level of the most advanced countries in the world
  • Indra has been working with INAC for 18 years renewing the air traffic systems and radar surveillance systems
  • Indra's technology has turned Nicaragua into one of the countries with the highest level of radar coverage on the continent
  • The new systems have helped Nicaragua to absorb an annual average of 47% more air traffic in the last five years
Avión y bandera de Nicaragua

The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), the authority responsible for promoting aviation standards, has placed Nicaragua amongst the ten countries with the highest level of air security in the world, recognising the intense modernisation work carried out by the Nicaraguan Institute of Civil Aeronautics (INAC), with which Indra has been working for 18 years on modernising control and radar centres.

During a recent official visit, the chairman of the Board of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), Dr Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu, highlighted the high levels of security that Nicaragua has achieved with the modernisation of the aviation system and the installation of the universal radar system, concluding that the country is currently "the world leader" in this field.

According to the latest ICAO audits, Nicaragua has managed to effectively implement 94.09% of the recommended standards and practices, which places it amongst the top ten countries with the highest levels of air security in the world.

In the last five years, air traffic in Nicaragua, calculated in accordance with departures, has grown by an annual average of 47%. In this regard, the modernisation of the systems has played a key role for the strategic development of the tourism sector.

During his stay in the country, Dr Aliu attended the opening of the new Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR) with which Indra supplied INAC. A system that has already begun to provide full coverage of aircraft approach to the Augusto C. Sandino de Managua International Airport, the largest airport in Nicaragua. With this installation, INAC complies with international standards for aircraft operating safety.

The Executive Vice President of the INAC, Captain Carlos Salazar, stated that this recognition is the "result of a successful management developed by this institution, under the guidance of president Comandante Daniel Ortega and Vice-President Compañera Rosario Murillo".

Furthermore, Indra's Director of International Air Traffic, Gonzalo Gavín, pointed out that "the company has been working with INAC for over 18 years and is proud to have installed all the country's civilian air traffic control and radar systems".

The Indra Director explained that the company is currently working on the implementation of a new secondary radar (MSSR) at Bluefields, equipped with advanced systems and a high level of digitisation. "With its implementation next year, Nicaragua will maintain its position as one of the countries with the highest level of air surveillance cover in America".

Aside from its relationship with INAC, Indra is the main provider of air traffic systems in Central America. Countries in the region delegate the management of en route flights to the Central American Corporation of Air Navigation Services (COCESNA), of which they are also partners and that ensures a more fluid and streamlined traffic control. Indra is the main technology provider of COCESNA.

In the rest of Latin America, Indra leads the modernisation of air traffic management. In recent years, it has modernised 70% of control centres in Latin America, 30 centres in total; it has installed its systems in the majority of the control towers; and, it has deployed nearly fifty air traffic surveillance radars and a similar number of radio navigation systems. In total, there are five hundred air traffic management systems of all types with the Indra seal support air traffic management in this part of the world. Indra is one of the leading suppliers of air traffic management systems in the world, and has equipped more than 4,000 facilities in more than 160 countries.

About Indra

Indra is one of the world's top technology and consulting companies and a technology partner for the key operations of its clients’ businesses worldwide. It is a leading worldwide provider of proprietary solutions in niche areas in the Transport and Defense Markets and the absolute leader in IT in Spain and Latin America. It offers a comprehensive range of proprietary solutions and cutting edge services with a high added value in technology based on a unique culture of reliability, flexibility and adaptability to the needs of its customers. Indra is a world leader in the development of end-to-end technology solutions in fields such as Defense and Security, Transport and Traffic, Energy and Industry, Telecommunications and Media, Financial Services, Electoral Processes, and Public Administrations and Healthcare. Minsait is Indra’s digital transformation business unit. In 2017 Indra posted a revenue of €3,011m, employed 40,000 professionals, and had a local presence in 46 countries plus sales operations in more than 140 countries.

