7 Junho 2018Espanha
  • It has reinforced its Smart Start program with new initiatives to attract young people to drive cultural change and its commitment to digital transformation and the development of new technological solutions.
  • In Spain, the goal is to hire more than 2,000 young people, more than 1,000 of whom already joined the company in the first months of the year, as part of Smart Start, which still has its candidate selection process open
  • The new talent forms part of Indra teams that are undertaking many of the most ambitious and innovative projects worldwide and they will take part in specific training, development, evaluation and professional progression programs during their first two years at the company
Young people during the first Indra Hack Day

Indra, one of the leading global technology and consulting companies, reinforces its commitment to young talent by launching new initiatives around its smart start program to incorporate more than 3,000 young professionals worldwide in 2018, more than 2,000 of them in Spain. In the first months of the year, more than 1,000 new talented people joined the company in Spain as part of this program, which still has its candidate selection process open at this website.

Indra's goal is to attract and retain the best talent to increase its pool of professionals in all business areas, reinforcing certain profiles with young people to help drive cultural change, and the commitment to digital transformation and the development of new solutions and services.

At the same time, the company wants to contribute to the training and development of these young people, ensuring they are integrated into prestigious teams that will mark their career, together with professionals who manage many of the most innovative and ambitious projects worldwide, with technological solution leaders in different sectors and with a real impact on society. The young talent also have specific training, development, evaluation and professional progression programs for their first two years in the company.

With Smart Start, Indra is looking for university or master's degree students, who have completed or are finishing their studies, especially in the scientific-technological field, but also offers opportunities to young university students from other disciplines, with training and an interest in working in the technology sector, and graduates with higher vocational training qualifications in IT and Communications. It wants innovative and proactive people who have a thirst for knowledge to participate in projects that cover a wide range of areas such as business and technological consultancy, engineering, solution development and software production.

Smart Start thus covers all the types of profiles required by Indra's different markets and areas. Thanks to career plans, each professional is placed in the most appropriate area of the organization, based on their knowledge, skills and attitudes, and their development is aided accordingly, which takes advantage of and recognizes each person's talent.

The candidates who join Indra will be able to develop an international career in a leading global company, undergoing expansion and with projects in many different areas, which is something that is highly valued in the labor market. They will be able to participate in developing innovative technological solutions to key projects in large companies and institutions, which are Indra clients across all five continents. In addition, they will develop professionally in a company that is headquartered in Spain, where decision-making takes place in fields such as analysis, consulting and project execution, and where a major part of Indra's solutions and products implemented worldwide are developed.

Ambitious program for comprehensive talent management

The ambition of the Smart Start program, which is constantly being enriched and adapted, reflects Indra's commitment to young talent to boost its growth and strengthen its leadership.

The company is adapting to the values ​​and requirements of the so-called Generation Z and has strengthened this program, which integrates the different areas related to managing young talent, with new initiatives.

In addition to launching specific training, development, evaluation and professional progression programs for the first two years of the young talent's time at the company, Indra is driving innovative recruitment and employer branding actions in order to enhance its attractiveness as a workplace. It has also improved the onboarding process, with a welcome plan that includes practical information, which facilitates the professional's first months at Indra, and the support of colleagues and mentors. Smart Start also includes surveys and analysis for monitoring young people, and identification of best practices to replicate those actions and policies that give the best results in the different countries.

Hack days, bootcamps and more collaboration with vocational training centers

The new features that have been incorporated into Smart Start this year include the organization of hack days, whole day events aimed at young talent that, through training and mentoring, help to enhance creativity and innovation in order to identify and respond to particular challenges through technology. The first of these, targeted at female university students, took place on March 22 with the aim of highlighting the value of female talent and showing Indra's confidence in their power to improve society and the company's commitment to the professional advancement of women.

Likewise, Indra is organizing bootcamps in which, through its Corporate University, Indra Open University, it gives intensive training to potential candidates on different technologies in high demand such as Java, Angular or Front Analytics, among others, for several weeks. This training is complemented by skills workshops such as communication, proactivity, responsibility or commitment. A hundred young people have already participated in these bootcamps, which end with an evaluation and selection interview, with nearly 65% of candidates joining the company.

Indra is also strengthening its collaboration with the main vocational training centers, to get involved and participate in training young students, as well as to aid them in carrying out their internships in one of the software production centers that the company has in different Spanish cities, such as Ciudad Real, Malaga, Valencia, Salamanca, Lleida, Zaragoza, Castellón, Coruña, Tarragona, Barcelona and Madrid.

Innovation, training, diversity and commitment

Indra wants to involve young people in its cultural transformation and commitment to innovation. The new talent joining the company is able to participate with their most disruptive ideas in the challenges that Indra poses to its professionals to respond to the needs of different markets and to mobilize, channel and get the most out of talent internally through intrapreneurship. In fact, in the second edition of the internal call for ideas, Innovators, it has specifically highlighted the important participation of young talent.

Ongoing training that puts Indra Open University within reach as well as a flexible work environment, committed to equal opportunities and diversity; a new volunteer plan, with renewed proposals; and initiatives such as Accessible Technologies, to reduce the digital divide and put innovation at the service of people with disabilities are other attractions that Indra offers to Generation Z.

About Indra

Indra is one of the world's top technology and consulting and a technology partner for the key operations of its customers' businesses worldwide. It is a leading worldwide provider of proprietary solutions in niche areas in Transport and Defense Markets and the absolute leader in IT in Spain and Latin America. It offers a comprehensive range of proprietary solutions and cutting edge services with a high added value in technology based on a unique culture of reliability, flexibility and adaptability to the needs of its customers. Indra is a world leader in the development of end-to-end technology solutions in fields such as Defense and Security, Transport and Traffic, Energy and Industry, Telecommunications and Media, Financial Services, Electoral Processes, and Public Administrations and Healthcare. Minsait is Indra’s digital transformation business unit. In 2017 Indra posted a revenue of €3,011m, employed 40,000 professionals, and had a local presence in 46 countries plus sales operations in more than 140 countries.
