31 Julho 2018Espanha
  • Through "Indra Hack Day, America Challenge", the company has invited its young professionals from six countries of Latin America to participate in "ideation workshops" with the aim of generating innovative proposals
  • Simultaneously in each country, teams established and led by company experts will implement today proposals based on themes related with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • The winners will move on to a second phase to compete for the finalist position, which will take place in Brazil
  • This initiative to promote and highlight young talent and its transformative power in the realm of technology is part of the current cultural transformation process at Indra

Indra, one of the leading global technology and consulting companies, aims to strengthen and highlight young talent and its transformative power, inviting professionals in Latin America to participate in "Indra Hack Day, America Challenge", in line with its cultural transformation process, understood as a strategic need and based on a firm commitment to talent and people. All with the aim of converting Indra into the most attractive project for global talent in the digital era.

Indra is a technology company based on knowledge and innovation. As such, one of its critical assets is the talent of its professionals. According to industry data from 2017, the annual rotation of young professionals in Spain with under three years of experience in technology companies exceeds 60%. The average employee seniority in the United States in leading technology companies of Silicon Valley, in general, is between two and three years. In response, Indra seeks to improve its relationships with its younger employees, since they are the ones forging a new relationship prototype with the company.

In this context, Indra has been implementing since three years ago the necessary cultural and organizational changes so that the best professionals will want to join the company and once there, want to stay. It is already investing major efforts, such as the design of knowledge management processes and systems that take this dynamic into account. Furthermore, it is improving its recruitment of young professionals with programs such as Smart Start, by which it wants to attract thousands of young people worldwide so that they will launch their professional career in the company, and captivate them so that they will want to stay.

This action in Latin America is part of Indra's commitment to its most important assets: talent and the improvement of its relationship with young professionals. In "Indra Hack Day, America Challenge", held today simultaneously in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Mexico and Peru, the company's young professionals participate during eight hours in an "ideation workshop" to generate innovative proposals based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In total, five teams per country, comprised of 4 young professionals and 1 expert who will advise each team during the competition, will work to try to present the most innovative idea and therefore move on to the next phase, in which one team from each country will compete to earn a position in the final, which will occur in Brazil.

The goal of the initiative is to improve innovation and team work among young professionals from the different regions of America, so that they will propose possible innovative ideas that can change the world through technology from Indra. The themes object of focus are the SDGs of the UN which, in line with this proposal to change the world through technology, Indra takes on as its own, with projects underway in practically all of the Goals, such as health and well-being, quality education, gender equality, affordable and non-polluting energy, or sustainable cities and communities.

In each country, some of the 20 Goals have been selected and will be randomly assigned to each team as its subject area. During the eight hours of the project, each team will count with the advice of an expert on the theme, who will be available for frequent consultation.

Value for disruptive ideas

At the end of the day, each team will make a five-minute presentation with the most originality as possible before a jury of each country, represented by two company directors and a leading external expert in innovation and technology, who will select the winning team in each of the six countries. The jury will assess the disruptive level of the idea, communication skills and originality of the presentation, the proposed resolution to the given problem, technological innovation and viability. Each member of the winning team will receive a gift voucher, the team's work will be published in Indra's internal channels and will move to the second phase of the competition, in which six teams, the winner from each country, will compete for a place in the final, which will be held in Brazil.

"Indra Hack Day, Challenge America" is another example of Indra's commitment to innovation and intrapreneurship, based on four basic pillars: convert innovation into the strategic lever of differentiation of Indra's offering; focus innovation on responding to strategic business needs; become a benchmark of innovation recognized internally and externally alike; and capitalize on internal talent for generating differential and innovative initiatives.

The initiative is in line, furthermore, first with the company's open innovation model which seeks to strengthen, through Indraventures, its relationship with the entire entrepreneurial ecosystem to detect and support new innovative ideas that help consolidate its technological leadership, and second, with its Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, which pursues sustainable development and that has, in the SDGs, a good guide to assess the social impact of the company's solutions and corporate policies.

About Indra

Indra is one of the world's top technology and consulting and a technology partner for the key operations of its customers' businesses worldwide. It is a leading worldwide provider of proprietary solutions in niche areas in Transport and Defense Markets and the absolute leader in IT in Spain and Latin America. It offers a comprehensive range of proprietary solutions and cutting edge services with a high added value in technology based on a unique culture of reliability, flexibility and adaptability to the needs of its customers. Indra is a world leader in the development of end-to-end technology solutions in fields such as Defense and Security, Transport and Traffic, Energy and Industry, Telecommunications and Media, Financial Services, Electoral Processes, and Public Administrations and Healthcare. Minsait is Indra’s digital transformation business unit. In 2017 Indra posted a revenue of €3,011m, employed 40,000 professionals, and had a local presence in 46 countries plus sales operations in more than 140 countries.

