20 Setembro 2018Espanha

It reinforces its offer, with a clear orientation towards added value, promoting the transformation and reinvention of businesses and institutions, whilst showing its commitment of positive impact on society

With this evolution, Minsait seeks to capture the strong growth potential of the Digital Transformation and Information Technology markets, in an accelerated changing context whereby technology occupies an increasingly strategic position 

A key factor in the success of the reinforcement of its offer is the great importance that Minsait gives to multidisciplinary talent and to working in an environment committed to new, clearly defined and distinguishing values

Its enhanced offer consist of a wide range of value propositions with strategic relevance to its customers, an ecosystem of products that allows to accelerate the transformation and a complete range of services that make end-to-end cooperation possible

Fernando Abril-Martorell and Cristina Ruiz

Minsait, an Indra company, consolidates itself as the partner of reference to reinvent all sectors and promote the transformation of business and society. All this through the strengthening of its offer, focused on a clear orientation towards added value. An offer which demonstrates what the future of Digital Transformation and Information Technology will be like.

In this way, it seeks to capture the strong development potential of these markets and strengthen its profitable growth in sales, whilst strengthening its position as the destination of the best talents.

Minsait, led by Cristina Ruiz, Executive Director of Indra and IT Business Senior Vice President, is the company that groups the consulting business in Digital Transformation and Information Technology at Indra.

The company has a leadership position in business transformation, enabled by technology, with a clear sectoral focus in Energy, Industry and Consumption, Financial Services, Telco and Media, Public Administration and Health.

In addition, it complements this deep sectoral knowledge, with an indisputable leading position in Digital Transformation that has been reinforced by the integration of Paradigma, a leading Digital Transformation consulting firm in the offer of ‘digital native’ format with ‘agile’ working methodologies and a culture of innovation. Thus, Minsait offers a distinguishing capacity to integrate the core world with the digital world and a high degree of flexibility to evolve at the pace paced by their customers.

“Minsait has enhanced its offer to consolidate itself as the strategic partner which facilitates the evolution of industries and society”, says Fernando Abril-Martorell, Chairman and CEO of Indra.

"We have strengthened our offer, orientating it towards added value and showing a clear commitment to the impact on customers and society. And we have done this around three complementary core concepts: a wide range of value propositions, a broad portfolio of services and an open ecosystem of products,” says Cristina Ruiz.

Minsait’s value propositions are precise transformation offers, with a high degree of specialisation, that meet strategic challenges of its customers in many industries and in four great management dimensions.

  • In the creation of new products and services, even reaching the approach of new business models for its customers in the new digital context.
  • In the relationship with the end customer, who is becoming more and more digital and claims more customization, agility and coherence in its relationship with organisations.
  • In the management of operations and technologies, in constant transformation to reach higher levels of effectiveness, efficiency and flexibility, with a great transformation of technology to meet new business challenges.
  • And also in the businesses protection, through the anticipation and management of technological, operational and strategic risks, using advanced solutions and services which make up the integral security of the company and its customers.

Its wide range of services shows Minsait’s end-to-end commitment throughout the transformation process, helping its customers from the initial strategy design, through technological development and integration to reach the operation. This commitment is based on a distinguishing range of services in Business Consulting, Digital Consulting, Cybersecurity and Operations, with specialised professionals, integrating multidisciplinary teams, to facilitate the execution of complex projects.

The third core concept for the strengthening of Minsait’s offer is its ecosystem of products, which are now included in the Onesait product sub-brand. This ecosystem brings together all the products in Energy, Banking, Insurance, Hotels, Airlines, Industry, Telco and Public Administrations, with an installed base in more than 45 countries. Over solid transactional basis that supports critical processes, Onesait adds new digital interaction capabilities, connectivity, Artificial Intelligence and network collaboration. Thus, Onesait becomes a reference player in software industry, offering on-premise and on-cloud services.

In this way, Minsait facilitates success in driving new business, from a wide range of perspectives: driving new business from the core, developing and creating new solutions to design new businesses in the digital era and creating new solutions in an agile way.

A key factor in the strengthening process of Minsait’s offer is the great importance that the company gives to multidisciplinary talent and to working in an environment committed to clearly defined and distinguishing values.

In order to better meet the needs of its customers and to intensify its aim of leaving its mark, Minsait has its own values,​which derive from Indra’s own values, and which help guide its strategy. These are:

  • Meaningful Impact. The determination to put experience, talent and intelligence at the service of each customer, offering tangible solutions which are able to make a difference.
  • Pioneering Impact. The commitment to discovery and to the opening of new roads, as a guarantee of transformation, and the generation of impact through innovation.
  • Hand-in-Hand Impact. A collaborative culture based on knowledge and talent, taking the shape of a true ‘partner’ for customers and guaranteeing joint growth.
  • Driving Impact. Showing on-going drive, strength and enthusiasm for everything that Minsait does and demonstrating a proactive attitude in every step it takes.

For its part, the Minsait brand evolves its visual environment and maintains its relationship with the Indra brand, which will always be reinforced by the endorsement of being “An Indra Company”.

Minsait creates solutions with impact, placing value on the integration of product, culture and transformational offer in order to boost the reinvention of its customers’ business. And it expresses this as “Mark Making the way forward”, and adds “At Minsait, we are the mark that we leave. And the mark we wish to leave.”

About Minsait

Minsait, an Indra company (www.minsait.com), is the leading company in digital transformation and information technology consulting in Spain and Latin America. Minsait possesses a high degree of specialisation and knowledge of the sector, which it backs up with its high capacity to integrate the core world with the digital world, its leadership in innovation and digital transformation and its flexibility. In this way, it focuses its range of products and services on high-impact value propositions, based on end-to-end solutions, with a remarkable degree of segmentation. This enables it to achieve tangible impacts for its customers in every industry, with a transformational focus. Its capabilities and leadership are demonstrated in its product range, under the brand name Onesait, and its across-the-board range of services.

About Indra

Indra (www.indracompany.com) is one of the leading global technology and consulting companies and a technology partner for the key operations of its customers’ businesses around the world. It is a leading global provider of proprietary solutions for specific sectors of the Transport and Defence markets, and the leading company in digital transformation and information technology consulting in Spain and Latin America, through its subsidiary Minsait. Its business model is based on a comprehensive range of proprietary products, with high-value focus and highly innovative features. In the 2017 financial year, Indra achieved revenue of €3.011 billion, with 40,000 employees, a local presence in 46 countries and business operations in over 140 countries.

