13 Novembro 2018Espanha
  • This solution includes other services such as tracking and digital interaction with visitors, as well as advanced analysis of behavior and spending patterns to adapt the offer and help improve the tourist experience
  • Minsait already has outstanding experience in the development of smart cities projects linked to tourism in places like Las Palmas de Gran Canaria or Cáceres  
  • Onesait Government Cities, the Indra company's solution for comprehensive city management, allows municipalities to operate tourist destination services to face the demand peaks caused by increases in the number of visitors, and to improve planning thanks to its analytical and scenario simulation capabilities

The comprehensive city management solution by Minsait, an Indra company, helps to anticipate service needs to face demand peaks resulting from visitor influxes. It also helps to increase income from tourist activity by around 5%, and the number of visitors by over 3%.

“These percentages have a significant impact on the economy and job generation, as the tourism industry, depending on the location, can represent between 15% and 20% of a government's GDP," explains Alberto Bernal, Minsait’s Smart Cities Global Director.

Bernal presented these and other benefits of Onesait Government Cities during the session "Smart & Multilevel Management of the city and the territory", which took place this afternoon as part of the Smart City Expo World Congress. This Congress is being held from today, November 13, until next Thursday the 15th in Barcelona. 

As Bernal explained, Onesait is a solution that significantly improves the management of city services such as energy, waste collection or security, as well as the tourist experience. “On the one hand, it helps to predict tourist influxes to quickly adapt public and local services or business, responding well to one of the main challenges of the sector: seasonality. On the other, it facilitates the creation of personalized offers,” Bernal stated.

Bernal also stressed that the combination of both capacities "has a very positive impact" on the positioning of cities as tourist destinations, as well as on local employment and the economy.

Onesait Government Cities also facilitates the monitoring of historical heritage in real time to reduce conservation costs. In addition, it helps promote tourist destinations through digital interaction with visitors to detect patterns of behavior and expenditure that allow the supply to be adapted.

Offers "à la carte" in real time

Visitors can, for example, receive information about shows or restaurants directly to their mobile phones, according to their preferences. This is possible thanks to the integration and processing of other visitors’ experiences and the tourist's own interactions, which helps generate recommendations. 

The use of mobile apps connected to Onesait Government Cities also provides information on the best routes and public transport alternatives to attend an event or visit a monument, as well as information on the busiest hours at places of interest to help the visitor choose the best schedule. Another service is augmented reality, which offers, for example, historical information about the place being visited, or lets users see what the dishes at the nearest restaurant look like.

Minsait is collaborating, among others, in the development of the Smart Cities projects "Las Palmas Inteligencia Azul" and "Cáceres Patrimonio Inteligente", whose objective is to reinforce the positioning of both cities as tourist destinations. Likewise, the Indra company started a transformation project for the Logroño City Council in 2017, and has pilots in several cities in areas such as impact simulation for pollution protocols or accident intervention.

It should also be noted that Minsait is the technological partner of the City Council of Madrid in the largest digital transformation project in urban planning in Europe. This has made it possible to put all the information on urban actions in the capital of Spain just a click away, in order to streamline procedures and increase their transparency and security.

Other benefits

Onesait Government Cities stands as the most advanced tool in the market to operate smart cities and territories' different services centrally and in real time, and to monitor results. As a technological base, it uses the Onesait Platform (formerly Minsait IoT Sofia2), Minsait's Internet of Things and Big Data open platform. Onesait is able to integrate and manage data obtained from multiple sources and devices using rules and predictive models, transforming them into relevant information and radically improving decision-making.

The efficiency of this solution significantly improves service management and positively impacts citizens' quality of life. For example, it has led to reductions of over 35% in water consumption for irrigation by matching data between the environmental and meteorological service, and has led to a 45% reduction in energy consumption for public lighting and public buildings.

It also makes it possible to reduce the time drivers spend looking for parking by half at least thanks to the use of mobile apps connected to the solution, or to reduce the cost of selective waste collection by at least 11% with sensors that monitor when waste containers are full.

Leader in Smart Cities

Minsait is one of the few global companies capable of providing a comprehensive offer in the world of Smart Cities, which includes everything from citizen services, transport and mobility, infrastructure and eco-energy, security and emergencies, to the implementation of an urban platform to integrate and manage city information. 

The company has completed more than 120 projects in this area round the world and takes part in important international initiatives such as City 2020, CPSE-Labs, Transforming Transport, Arrowhead, e-Vacuate and Mobywallet. It also recently presented the study The Digital City at the Service of the 21st-Century Citizen, which anticipates the impact of digital transformation as a key enabler to face the social, economic, environmental and urban challenges the company believes European cities must overcome so that their spaces can continue to be a benchmark and their citizens can improve their quality of life.

About Minsait

Minsait, an Indra company (www.minsait.com), is the leading firm in Digital Transformation Consultancy and Information Technologies in Spain and Latin America. Minsait possesses a high degree of specialization and knowledge of the sector, which it backs up with its high capability to integrate the core world with the digital world, its leadership in innovation and digital transformation, and its flexibility. Thus, it focuses its offering on high-impact value propositions, based on end-to-end solutions, with a remarkable degree of segmentation, which enables it to achieve tangible impacts for its customers in each industry with a transformational focus. Its capabilities and leadership are demonstrated in its product range, under the brand Onesait, and its across-the-board range of services.

About Indra

Indra (www.indracompany.com) is one of the leading global technology and consulting companies and the technological partner for core business operations of its customers world-wide. It is a world-leader in providing proprietary solutions in specific segments in Transport and Defense markets, and the leading firm in Digital Transformation Consultancy and Information Technologies in Spain and Latin America through its affiliate Minsait. Its business model is based on a comprehensive range of proprietary products, with a high-value focus and with a high innovation component. In the 2017 financial year, Indra achieved revenue of €3.011 billion, with 40,000 employees, a local presence in 46 countries and business operations in over 140 countries.
