22 Janeiro 2019Espanha
  • The company relies on its professional staff to enhance their own skills, providing them with more than 3,000 free online specialized courses from Udemy, a curated learning platform with on-demand content on a variety of key business and technical topics, as part of its university's virtual campus
  • Indra is the largest Spanish company to provide all of its professionals with access to this innovative platform, currently used by the world's leading companies in a range of sectors to offer instant access from any device to thousands of expert-created courses
  • This initiative, facilitating the skills development of its professionals, forms part of Indra's cultural transformation process to become the most attractive business project for global talent in the digital age
People with laptop

Indra, one of the world's leading technology consulting firms, has given a great boost to its innovative corporate university, Open University, by incorporating the online learning platform Udemy for Business, and giving free access to more than 3,000 business-relevant courses to its 40,000 professional staff around the globe.

The goal of Indra is to enhance ongoing training tailored to the needs, interests and study habits of each and every one of its professionals, relying on their own criteria to develop their capacities as much as possible and prepare themselves to face current and future challenges.

The initiative doubles down on Indra's commitment to its team of professionals and their training and development, aspects to which the company has always devoted a sizable amount of effort and resources. Moreover, it is an integral part of cultural transformation process that the company is immersed in, whose aim is to become the most attractive business project for global talent in the digital age, both for those professionals already part of the Indra staff and those yet to come on board.

Indra is the largest Spanish company to offer Udemy for Business to all its professionals. Some of the world's leading companies in a range of sectors already use this innovative training platform, which offers instant access from any device to thousands of courses in various subjects. The courses are created by experts who wish to share their knowledge and experience and train other professionals. This format facilitates the rapid development of skills and competencies, meeting the demand of today's job market, as opposed to more traditional training structures and methodologies.

Of the current range of courses, kept constantly up-to-date with the latest trends, technology and programming courses are the most sought-after and highest rated of their kind among the more than 24 million users of the platform globally. In addition, there are courses in project management, human resources, finance, communications, marketing, leadership and personal development.

For a technology company based on knowledge and innovation such as Indra, the talent of our employees is key. That is why we want to improve the experience of all our employees by empowering them within our training strategy and making the best resources available to them. Our goal is to ensure they are motivated and committed to continue training and developing professionally in our company “, said Luz Santillana, director of Employee Experience and Process Transformation at Indra.

“Indra is an industry leader and a model example of how organizations can prioritize learning and development of the workforce,” said Darren Shimkus, general manager for Udemy for Business. “We are thrilled to work with Indra as they continue to invest in developing their global talent by arming them with the most advanced skills and empowering every professional to learn.”

Open University, Indra's corporate university, was created to be a living project, and with this new step, it continues the generation of the ongoing self-learning ecosystem that new talent demands, offering the company's professionals the best internal and external resources for them to manage their own training and develop careers that suit their profile. It also ensures that Indra professionals around the world can access their training whenever and wherever they want to.

An interactive and collaborative university

With Open University, Indra bolsters the connection between training and the company's strategy, thus anticipating the needs of the business and contributing to the creation of a common culture on a global level. To further the latter goal, Indra's corporate university is primarily virtual, although it does include face-to-face training.

In addition to empowering social learning through its groundbreaking shared knowledge network, the university provides professionals with new methodologies and tools that are in line with the latest trends, such as interactive chats and gamification, resources adapted to a range of learning methods (videos, lectures, conferences, debates, courses or virtual classrooms), more hands-on and participatory case-based methodology, etc.

For Indra, the professional is at the heart of the process and is the true protagonist of his/her training, yet they also play a key role in the construction of the Corporate University itself, by collaborating and sharing knowledge, information and resources, acting as community managers of the various communities that form part of the virtual campus, or even becoming one of the instructors in the various schools into which the university is structured. Through this, Indra has set out to identify, take advantage of and recognize the internal talent of the company's professionals, which form a unique worldwide network of multidisciplinary experts.

Indra has been carrying out a deep cultural transformation in the last few years, based on a firm commitment to talent and people. The goal is to turn Indra into the most attractive project for global talent in the digital age. In addition to training, the commitment to young talent and diversity, and the fostering of innovation and intrapreneurship are the cornerstones on which Indra is building its new culture.

About Indra

Indra (www.indracompany.com) is one of the leading technology and consulting companies in the world and a major technology partner on key operations its clients' businesses world-wide. It is a world-leader in providing proprietary solutions in specific segments in Transport and Defense markets, and a leading firm in Digital Transformation Consultancy and Information Technologies in Spain and Latin America through its affiliate Minsait. Its business model is based on a comprehensive range of proprietary products, with a high-value focus and with a high innovation component. In the 2017 financial year, Indra achieved revenue of €3.011 billion, with 40,000 employees, a local presence in 46 countries and business operations in over 140 countries.
