28 Fevereiro 2019Espanha
  • 2018 order intake grew in local currency (+9%) above revenues (+6%). Organic revenues[1] up +1%. Backlog surpassed €4bn and grew +13% in reported terms
  • 2018 EBITDA up +10%. EBITDA Margin improved to 9.4% in 2018 vs 8.8% in 2017. EBIT improved to €199m in 2018 vs €196m in 2017
  • Transport came back to growth and profitability in 2018, posting revenue and order intake expansion and positive EBIT margin
  • Minsait (IT) registered order intake (+10%) and revenue (+9%) growth. Digital solutions sales increased by +28% (21% of Minsait sales) and Brazil kept showing revenue and margin expansion
  • 2018 Free Cash Flow totaled €168m, reducing the Net Debt/EBITDA LTM ratio to 1.6x (vs 2.2x in 2017)
  • Indra fulfilled its guidance 2018.



Indra increased its backlog, order intake and revenues and improved its profitability and capital structure in 2018