9 Maio 2019Espanha
  • Backlog amounted to €4,285m, resulting in the best-ever figure of backlog
  • Revenues up +4% in local currency, with both T&D and Minsait (IT) posting growth. It is worth noting the growth recorded in America (+11% in constant currency)
  • Minsait (IT) sales increased by +4% in local currency (+3% in reported terms). Digital solutions sales went up by +21% and now it represents 22% of Minsait sales
  • Transport grew at double digit rates in local currency, both in order intake (+16%) and in revenues (+17%)
  • EBITDA up +46% (+29% excluding the IFRS 16 impact) in 1Q19. EBITDA Margin stood at 9.5% (8.4% excluding the IFRS 16 impact) in 1Q19 vs 6.7% in 1Q18. EBIT improved to €39m in 1Q19 vs €26m in 1Q18
  • Net profit of the group increased by +71% vs 1Q18 (€18m vs €11m in 1Q18)
Indra revenues went up +3%, backlog grew +10% and profitability continued to improve in 1Q19