25 Julho 2019Espanha
  • Backlog amounted to €4,420m, resulting again in the best-ever figure. Order intake reached €1,930m.
  • Revenue expansion accelerated in 2T19, with both T&D and Minsait posting growth. It is worth noting America (+15%).
  • Minsait sales increased by +6%. Digital solutions revenues up +18% and now it represents 22% of Minsait sales.
  • Within T&D, Transport grew its revenues +23%. Within Minsait, Energy & Industry sales went up by +13%.
  • EBITDA up +7% excluding the IFRS 16 impact. EBIT grew +8%.
  • Minsait EBIT Margin improved 220 basic points and went up to 2.8% despite the lower contribution of the Elections business.
  • Net profit of the group worsened -8% mainly as a consequence of higher taxes.
  • Free Cash Flow totaled €-237m in 1H19 vs €-61m in 1H18, impacted by the negative contribution of the working capital. Free Cash Flow before working capital was €72m in 1H19 vs €48m in 1H18.