25 Setembro 2019Espanha
  • It is the first system in the world that identifies gunpowder residues of up to a micrometer (one thousandth of a millimeter) at the scene of a crime or an attack
  • This system will allow key information to be obtained for the investigation at its early stages, without having to wait for the results from a laboratory
  • The Spanish National Police will be the first to have a system like this, which until now could only be used in specialized laboratories


The Spanish Forensic Science division streamlines the collection of evidence with a pioneering Indra portable device for ballistics analysis

It is a pioneering system, unique in the market, that detects the microscopic particles and residues left by gunshots on clothes, hands and skin and other surfaces such as walls or the bodywork of a vehicle. 

The solution avoids the indiscriminate collection of samples, which can oversaturate the work of the central laboratories. The technicians will have a first confirmation of the presence of residue in the sample before sending it to the laboratory. 

They will also have a first analysis that will provide key information so that the investigation can move forward at its early stages, which is critical for solving cases on many occasions.

The Spanish National Police will be the first in the world to have a system of these characteristics. The system is based on the use of LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) techniques that were reserved only for large specialized laboratories or systems without the necessary precision for the forensic field. 

Indra has managed to enclose this advanced capacity within a small portable backpack. The system has a mobile head equipped with a laser and a high-precision optical system. Its powerful software processes data very quickly: useful information for an investigation is available within seconds. 

The system adapts to different user profiles, so that an expert in LIBS technology can carry out deep and detailed studies while a technician with basic training can also use it.

New features: From what distance was it fired?

Indra also works with experts from the Spanish National Police to incorporate a revolutionary function to iForenLIBS, which will help determine the distance from which a shot has been fired with a certainty much greater than what can be obtained at early stages. 

This information is key in many investigations to know, for example, if a weapon was fired by accident during a struggle or if the person fired in self-defense from a few meters or from a greater distance. 

Indra's system will offer a result with a very high degree of objectivity and speed. It will take hundreds of measures to analyze the concentrations of lead and other components that remain around the entry hole of a projectile. In this case, the gases that have left the barrel and that have been impregnated on the impact surface have to be analyzed. In addition to distance, it could even help determine the trajectory and type of ammunition used. 

The system will allow the Police to have objective numerical data of the shot fired on which to base this type of estimates. 

To learn more about iForenlibs: https://youtu.be/hFnbQvO_oJU 

About Indra

Indra (http://www.indracompany.com) is one of the leading global technology and consulting companies, and the technology partner for key operations of its customers’ businesses around the world. It is a world-leader in providing proprietary solutions in specific segments in Transport and Defense markets, and a leading firm in Digital Transformation Consultancy and Information Technologies in Spain and Latin America through its affiliate Minsait. Its business model is based on a comprehensive offer of its own products, with an end-to-end approach, of high value and with a high innovation component. In the 2018 financial year, Indra achieved revenue of €3,104 billion, with 43,000 employees, a local presence in 46 countries and business operations in over 140 countries.
