10 Outubro 2019Espanha
  • The Indra company has won a contract to develop an urban data platform in order to increase the efficiency of services such as waste collection and the management of slaughterhouses and wholesale markets, improve citizens' quality of life and promote transparency
  • Similar experiences by Minsait have allowed the consumption of water for irrigation to be reduced by over 35% and cut energy consumption for street and public buildings lighting by 45%, as well as improving the times to resolution of citizen requests and complaints by 25% 
  • Indra has been present in Morocco for more than 20 years, where it is a technological partner in some high-profile projects; in 2018, the company opened a new office in Rabat to confirm its commitment to the country and boost its capacity for growth in Africa

Minsait, an Indra company, has won a contract to develop the urban data management platform of Casablanca, one of the cornerstone projects of this city's digital transformation program. The contract has been signed with Casablanca Prestations, a local development company of the Casablanca City Council, and it aims to become a model for urban modernization in Morocco. 

The platform will be based on Onesait Government Cities, the solution for Smart Cities from the Indra subsidiary. This “integrating brain” combines the Internet of Things, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence technologies to cross-reference and analyze the information of the various vertical services such as waste collection, energy, water and traffic in order to make decisions and respond to events detected in real time as well as simulating possible scenarios to define the best public policies and generate public services increasingly in line with the needs of the citizen proactively. 

Initially, the cleaning service information (waste collection intervals, location and volume of containers, among others), as well as the slaughterhouse management system (management of the “end-to-end” production chain) and the system will be integrated of wholesale market of fruit and vegetables (volumes by type of product, prices or distributors). Concept tests will also be carried out to integrate IoT devices into the platform that collect information from areas such as the environment, transport, energy or lighting to be processed.  

Thanks to this, for example, it will be possible to detect when the containers are full to adjust the routes of trucks that collect the waste, which translates into cost savings and reduced emissions. Other rewards are achieved by the possibility of adjusting agricultural production to demand to reduce losses, and improve the efficiency of municipal slaughterhouses through management aimed at achieving greater productivity and quality. 

In addition, the project contemplates the objective of increasing transparency through open data on the portal of the Casablanca City Council. The information about the indicators of the city will be freely accessible and usable for its inhabitants and it will encourage the emergence of local innovation ecosystems that increase the cooperation, promotion and development of business opportunities of social and economic stakeholders.  

According to data obtained in similar projects, the use of this type of platform in the government of a city has enabled a 45% reduction in the energy bill of lighting and public buildings and reduced the consumption of water for irrigation by 35%, as well improving the times to resolution of citizen requests, complaints and suggestions by 25%. Smart waste management pilots developed by the company are also delivering a significant reduction in environmental and economic impact thanks to the optimization of collection routes.  

With more than six million inhabitants in its metropolitan area, Casablanca is the largest city in Morocco and the country's leading industrial, commercial and port hub. 

More than 120 smart city management projects  

Minsait is one of the few global companies capable of providing a comprehensive solution for Smart Cities, which includes everything from citizen services, transport and mobility, infrastructure and eco-energy, security and emergencies, to the implementation of an urban platform to integrate and manage city information. The company has developed more than 120 projects in this field worldwide.

In addition, it collaborates with Red.es and several Spanish city councils in the development of Smart Cities projects aimed at improving different vertical services through integrated management. The company is also working on the deployment of its Smart Cities management platform in Antwerp and Helsinki, after having been selected in Select for Cities, an important Pre-Commercial Public Procurement (CPP) project funded by the Horizon 2000 program of the European Union.

Presence in Morocco

Indra has been present in Morocco for more than 20 years, where it is a technological partner in some of the most high-profile projects. The technology company also opened a new office in Rabat in 2018, confirming its commitment to the country and boosting its capacity for growth in Africa. The technological implementation of its Rail Traffic Management system in the country's rail network for its integral management and security systems for the protection of critical infrastructure stand out from among the projects that the company has carried out in Morocco. Furthermore, the company has had an ongoing collaboration with the Office National Des Aéroports (National Airports Office - ONDA) of Morocco for more than a decade to constantly modernize its air traffic management systems and it has also implemented its operations management solutions in the Ports of Casablanca.  
In addition, Morocco presents opportunities for the markets in which Indra has already developed flagship projects, such as Air Traffic, Transportation, and Security, as well as in other major projects, such as the Information Technology sector, driven by the Maroc Digital Plan 2020, given Minsait;s position as a leading company in IT and digital transformation.

About Minsait

Minsait, an Indra company (www.minsait.com), is a leading firm in Digital Transformation Consultancy and Information Technologies in Spain and Latin America. Minsait possesses a high degree of specialization and knowledge of the sector, which it backs up with its high capability to integrate the core world with the digital world, its leadership in innovation and digital transformation, and its flexibility. With this, Minsait’s offer is focused on high impact value propositions, based on end-to-end solutions, with a notable segmentation, which allows them to achieve tangible impacts for its customers in each industry under a transformational approach. Its capabilities and leadership are shown in its product offering, under the name Onesait, and its cross-sectional offer of services.

About Indra

Indra (www.indracompany.com) is one of the leading global technology and consulting companies, and the technology partner for key operations of its customers’ businesses around the world. It is a world-leader supplier of proprietary solutions in specific segments in Transport and Defense markets, and a leading firm in Digital Transformation Consultancy and Information Technologies in Spain and Latin America through its affiliate Minsait. Its business model is based on a comprehensive offer of its own products, with an end-to-end approach, of high value and with a high innovation component. In the 2018 financial year, Indra achieved revenue of €3,104 billion, with 43,000 employees, a local presence in 46 countries and business operations in over 140 countries.
