6 Novembro 2019Espanha
  • Students from 15 universities are participating in the Inter-University Cybersecurity League, promoted by the Civil Guard and based on Indra’s cybertraining solution
  • The competition, which has a multi-disciplinary approach, seeks to train young talents to protect the country against cyberattacks 
  • The call has been a huge success and exceeded all expectations, demonstrating the interest aroused by cybersecurity among young people 

Around 2,000 university students from 15 universities across Spain are competing in the Civil Guard’s Inter-University Cybersecurity League, based on Indra’s Cyber Range cybertraining solution. In it they demonstrate their ability to counter real cyber attacks and protect our country’s basic services and companies.

More than 100,000 cybercrimes were recorded in Spain in 2018, a figure double the one recorded only two years earlier. Mobilizing young talent to protect the digital economy, which will be the pillar of our development, is a critical task.

To do so, the Civil Guard has launched the largest competition held to date in Spain in terms of the number of universities and students involved.

Students from the Universities of Cáceres, Albacete, La Coruña, Huesca, Valencia, Murcia, Oviedo, Valladolid, Logroño, Alcalá de Henares, Polytechnic of Madrid and Carlos III have already competed with each other using the Indra solution. It’s now the turn of students from the Autonomous University of Madrid and the University of Granada. 

The winning teams will meet up in the final, to be held at the Civil Guard’s University Center on 15 and 16 November in Aranjuez (Madrid). 

This Cyber League is different from all those organized to date. The Civil Guard wanted the participants to face challenges set upon the basis of a multi-disciplinary perspective.

In addition to demonstrating their technical capabilities, the teams must apply their knowledge of law, in order to establish the responsibilities entailed by their actions in the technological field, as well as their knowledge of economics and business, so as to calculate the cost of their strategy, and communication, to manage any reputational crises.

The head of the Cybersecurity team at Indra explains that the Inter-University League is enjoying huge success: “In the initial competitions there were an average of fifty participants, but the figure has now doubled. For the events in Madrid, the students enrolled at the five universities where it will be held total more than 1,000”. 

The solution that trains armies and police forces

The students compete in Indra’s Cyber Range to demonstrate their ethical hacking and forensic analysis skills. The challenges to be overcome include finding evidence concealed in a system, detecting the vulnerabilities of a critical system and moving laterally and jumping from one system to another. In the forensic field, they analyze disks and computer memories and collect evidence.

Indra’s Cyber Range is a platform that has already been used by the Joint Command of Spanish Cyber Defense, the Civil Guard, the National Police Force, police forces from all over Europe, as well as NATO personnel and cyberdefense specialists in European and Latin American armies. It’s a cutting-edge system that meets the international security and confidentiality standards and provides a highly demanding level of training.

More info about Cyber Range: https://cyberrange.indracompany.com/.

About Indra

Indra (www.indracompany.com) is one of the main global technology and consultancy companies and the technological partner for its customers’ key business operations around the world. It’s a major global supplier of proprietary solutions in specific segments of the Transportation and Defense markets and a leading company in digital transformation and information technology consultancy in Spain and Latin America by means of its Minsait subsidiary. Its business model is based on a comprehensive range of proprietary products, with an end-to-end approach that has high value and a significant innovative component. In 2018 Indra received income totaling 3.104 billion euros and had 43,000 employees, a local presence in 46 countries and business operations in more than 140 countries.
