Description of the Project
CROWN proposal is a first step towards a EU programme for a multifunction RF (radar, EW, communications) AESA-based system, using technology without end-user restrictions in TRL7, for a single aerial platform by 2027. CROWN includes two main and connected activities:
1. R&D assessment and recommendations on critical technologies key for the development of future European multifunction RF AESA systems establishing roadmaps and priorities avoiding dependencies from non EU suppliers.
2. R&T activities on system and component level. These activities will be based on the requirements identified from the main stakeholders and on the architecture study fulfilled. Demonstrators for the different levels, system and component, will be developed taking in consideration the inputs of the R&D assessment.
Industrial Partners
Indra's Role
Indra will coordinate all the activities of management of the project taking into account all the available assets, variables, costs, communication performance, risks and quality levels to allow all the participants to collaborate into the best conditions during co-located and remote working sessions. The company will hold the duty to interact with EDA to provide progress reports and relevant information during the evolution of the project. Moreover Indra will lead the technical activities on WP6 – Digital Beam Forming and WP9 – Lab demonstration and the management activities on WP1 – Project Management. Indra will also participate in rest of project the work packages covering tasks like requirements and architecture definition and other technical activities related to the antenna, resource manager and compact transmit-receive module definition and implementation.
Universities and Technology centres
Technologies used
New Digital AESA architectures for multifunction system
Antenna technologies for multifunction shared apertures
Digital Algorithms and Processing for beamforming
Artificial Intelligence for smart resource management
MMIC design using different technologies (GaN, SiGe,…) for compact and tunable transmit receive modules.
More information
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Preparatory Action for Defence Research - PADR programme under grant agreement 882407
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